Django-messages enables your users to send private messages to each other. It provides a basic set of functionality that you would expect from such a system. Every user has an Inbox, an Outbox and a Trash. Messages can be composed and there is an easy, url-based approach to preloading the compose-form with the recipient-user, which makes it extremly easy to put "send xyz a message" links on a profile-page.
Currently django-messages comes with these translations:
- ar (thanks to speedy)
- da (thanks Michael Lind Mortensen)
- de
- el (thanks Markos Gogoulos)
- es (thanks paz.lupita)
- es_AR (thanks Juanjo-sfe)
- eu (thanks urtzai)
- fa
- fr (thanks froland and dpaccoud)
- it (thanks to Sergio Morstabilini)
- lt
- ko
- nl (thanks krisje8)
- pl (thanks maczewski)
- pt_BR (thanks Diego Martins)
- ru (thanks overkrik)
- zh_CN (thanks Gene Wu)
0.6.x | compatible with Django 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and with Python 3 |
0.5.x | compatible with Django 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7; if you are upgrading from 0.4.x to trunk please read the UPGRADING docs. |
0.4.x | compatible with Django 1.1 (may work with Django 1.0/1.2), no longer maintained |
0.3 | compatible with Django 1.0, no longer maintained |
The documentation is contained in the /docs/ directory and can be build with sphinx. A HTML version of the documentation is available at:
Download the tar archive, unpack and run python install or checkout the trunk and put the django_messages
folder on your PYTHONPATH
. Released versions of django-messages are also available on pypi and can be installed with easy_install or pip.
Add django_messages
setting and add an include('django_messages.urls')
at any point in your url-conf.
The app includes some default templates, which are pretty simple. They extend a template called base.html
and only emit stuff in the block content
and block sidebar
. You may want to use your own templates, but the included ones are good enough for testing and getting started.
Django-messages has no external dependencies except for django. However, if pinax-notifications and/or django-mailer are found, it will make use of them. Note: as of r65 django-messages will only use pinax-notifications if 'pinax.notifications' is also added to the INSTALLED_APPS setting. This has been done to make situations possible where notification is on pythonpath but should not be used, or where notification is another python package, such as django-notification which has the same name.