Hepsi Burada-Instant Transfer-UI-AUTOMATION

Visit https://www.hepsiburada.com/ page, go to Payment Options page and Instant Transfer related automation tests cases.

Extent Of Testing

  1. The main page is reached with the hepsiburada.com url. Click the 'Log In' button on the home page.
  2. It is checked whether the page hepsiburada.com/giris-yap has been reached.
  3. User information is entered correctly.
  4. It is checked whether the home page has been accessed for the entered user.
  5. A book product is selected, added to the basket and checked to see if it is on the basket page.
  6. Instant transfer is selected from the payment options and it is checked that it works in accordance with all banks.
  7. Any bank is selected, and the order summary page is accessed for instant transfer
    a. This page is checked to see if it is on the correct page.
    b. It is checked whether the selected bank in the payment options and the bank name in the order summary are the same.

Extent Of Automation

  1. Screenshots can be viewed from the "screenshots" folder in case of any errors.
  2. It can be set to work with different browsers as a parameter in the test.
  3. In the "logs" folder, there are logs of the operations performed.
  4. The automation report can be seen by opening the html file in the "Reports" with the browser of your choice.