Visit https://www.n11.com/ page, go to Login page and write Login related manual tests cases (functional, UI, security etc).

Extent Of Testing

  1. The main page is reached with the n11.com url. Click the 'Log In' button on the home page.

  2. It is checked whether the page n11.com/giris-yap has been reached.

  3. The loading status of all web elements (such as text, button, image) on the page that opens is checked.

  4. For the Member Login process, the mail and password boxes are filled and the login process is done with the 'Log In' button.
    a. After the login process, it is checked whether a redirect to the home page is made or not.
    b. It is checked whether warnings are made for unsuitable mail and password formats in the relevant fields.
    c. During the mail and password filling process, min.-max. The character count status is checked.
    d. Min.-max. It is checked whether more characters are written than the number of characters.
    e. Sign in operation is performed with the wrong mail and password format and it is checked whether there is a warning or not.
    f. It is checked whether the sign-in process is made and whether there is a warning with the information in the correct format and not registered in the system.
    g. The working status of the 'Show' button in the Password box is checked.
    h. During the login process, the 'Remember Me' checkbox is checked and the login process is performed. It is checked whether the relevant information is saved for subsequent login operations.

  5. Check the 'Forgot Password' button.
    a. In the field opened with the relevant button, the process of entering an e-mail in the mail box is done.
    b. It is checked whether there is a warning about whether the mail format is appropriate.
    c. Min.-max. It is checked whether there is a character check and warning.
    d. If the mail does not match the records, it is checked whether there is a warning or not to
    e. The working status of the 'Send' button is checked.
    f. It is checked whether the password renewal link/instructions has been sent to the relevant e-mail.
    g. Password renewal process is performed and login process is performed with the new password.
    h. It is checked whether the relevant box is closed or not.

  6. Click on the 'Login with Apple', 'Quick Login' and 'Login with Facebook' buttons and check the redirection to the relevant login pages.

  7. The 'Register' button is checked and it is verified that the relevant page has been opened.

  8. In the Header and sub-Banner section, it is checked whether there is a clickable area (such as image, button, link, text). If there is a clickable area, the redirection to the relevant page is checked.