Generate package description from *.cabal
files in format of exheres-0 for
Exherbo Linux.
As a source you can use one of the following reference:
: read fromLOCAL-FILE.cabal
: fetch appropriate package from the Hackage
You can either pass sources as a list of arguments or as lines of standard input if no arguments provided.
> exherbo-cabal mtl-2.2.1
> exherbo-cabal mtl transformers
> echo yesod-core | exherbo-cabal
> exherbo-cabal ./exherbo-cabal.cabal
> find /tmp/index -name \*.cabal | exherbo-cabal
Whenever code being changed and version bump required according to Haskell package versioning policy you should ensure that version in cabal file is higher than the on from last release tag.
No need to bump version if one of the higher-rank version parts were bumped since last release.
During bump of high-rank version part all the minors should be reset to zero.
For example image that the latest release tag is v0.2.1.1
- Patch code changes requires version bump to
if current cabal file still refers to0.2.1.1
- Patch code changes shouldn't bump the version if current cabal file already
specifies version similar to
and so on. - First commit that extends API should bump version to
if version in cabal file is still0.2.2.1
I.e. the only possible values for version in cabal file in case if the last
release was v0.2.1.1
: only changes unrelated with code behavior. I.e. development infrastructure changes (.gitignore
, formatting, etc).
: there were some change in the code. Like bug fix, performance improvement, re-factoring, etc.
: current head contains extends API in a non-breaking way since last release.
: API is different from the one provided in last release. Changes may result in breaking some non-obscure clients.
: first API intended for usage outside of this package.