A Prettier plugin that wraps verbose class name based on the `printWidth` option.
Pinned issues
- 3
Support svelte parser
#42 opened by ony3000 - 13
- 7
- 1
Support TaggedTemplateExpression
#52 opened by alex-kinokon - 2
Broken consistency
#41 opened by ony3000 - 3
- 3
백틱으로 className 명시할 때 특정 상황에서 플러그인 에러 발생
#27 opened by hongjw030 - 2
- 1
Support angular parser (and html parser)
#43 opened by ony3000 - 2
Special Characters Corrupt Formatting
#50 opened by NexRX - 2
New line per type regardless of line length
#48 opened by adriangalilea - 3
Support for callback syntax
#39 opened by tiberiu-matei - 6
Proposal: minAttributeWidth setting
#32 opened by gar1t - 3
Vue's object-class syntax with a hyphenated key class breaks formatting (v5+)
#37 opened by jmechevarria - 4
Plugin doesn't work for class in astro
#17 opened by BrandenXia - 2
This plugin does not play nicely with the official "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss" plugin
#31 opened by jbccollins - 2
Can `printWidth` be set separately for `className`?
#21 opened by u3u - 0
Refactor core parts
#14 opened by ony3000 - 0
Implement formatting reversibility
#16 opened by ony3000 - 0
Support range formatting
#24 opened by ony3000 - 0
Remove `@prettier/sync` dependency
#22 opened by ony3000 - 0
- 0
Support vue parser
#6 opened by ony3000 - 0
Replace Jest with Vitest
#20 opened by ony3000 - 10
- 0
Separate test code into different branches
#5 opened by ony3000