Documentation for "ChainHop" and "BoxPay" DApp
"ChainHop" is a decentralised application that allows anyone to search for transactions on any Blockchain, be it testnet or mainnet, while Boxpay allows anyone to send withdrawable erc20 using gasless transactions, and native coins. its deployed on severally Blockchains. it makes use of chainlink price feeds.
This document explains how to use the "ChainHop" and "Boxpay" DApp, including the features, user interface, and how to interact with the Binance blockchain.
The "ChainHop" and "Boxpay" DApp has the following features:
- Send a (BEP-20) token.
- Redeem a (BEP-20) token using a gasless transaction.
- Withdraw a (BEP-20) token sent to someone using a gasless transaction..
- Search for and view transaction details of any Blockchain on on place. Cool 👍 right?
Here are some related projects
It lives on its own space. link below
As a high-speed blockchain infrastructure solution, NodeReal strives to provide an instant and easy-access service to every developer.
Uses chainlink price feeds.
To get started with Bquesti, simply follow these steps:
- Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone
- Install the necessary dependencies:
yarn i or pnpm i
Boxpay and ChainHop are built using the following technologies:
Client: NextJs, RainBowKit, TailwindCSS, Wagmi,
Server: Node, Solidity, Binance Blockchain, ChainlinkPricefeeds
To run tests, run the following command
cd backend
yarn run backend
For more info, email
- Make use of Chainlink Automation to automatically refund if withdrawal isn't made for sometime
- for the ChainHop dapp, make a more beautiful UX
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
there's deploment issues duth Boxpay for now. ChainHop works fine.