
An Onyx output plugin for HTTP

Primary LanguageClojure


Onyx plugin for http.


In your project file:

[org.onyxplatform/onyx-http ""]

In your peer boot-up namespace:

(:require [onyx.plugin.http-output])



Catalog entry:

{:onyx/name :entry-name
 :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.http-output/output
 :onyx/type :output
 :onyx/medium :http
 :http-output/success-fn :my.namespace/success?
 :http-output/retry-params {:base-sleep-ms 200
                            :max-sleep-ms 30000
                            :max-total-sleep-ms 3600000}
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "POST segments to http endpoint"}

Segments coming in to your http task are expected in a form such as:

{:url "http://localhost:41300/" :args {:body "a=1" :as :json}


key type description
:http-output/success-fn keyword Function, which accepts response as an argument, should return boolean to indicate if the response was successful.
:http-output/post-process-fn keyword Function, accepts :onyx.core/params, message and response (in that order) to perform any side-effectful action
:http-output/retry-params map Indicates if request should be retried if it's not successful and parameters of retries. Map of three keys: :base-sleep-ms is a delay for a first retry, :max-sleep-ms is a maximum retry delay, and :max-total-sleep-ms is amount of time when request should be not retried anymore.


Many thanks to Vsevolod Solovyov for contributing this plugin to Onyx Platform.


Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed.