
Seman is a set of linguistic tools to analyze Russian or German texts, it contains lexicons and grammars. The project is interesting as a base line for many research projects in computer linguistics area.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

====================== Introduction ====================                                                                   sw

This is a RML package (RML is Russian acronym, stands for Linguistic Environment).

This program is distributed under the Library GNU Public Licence, which is in the file

This program was  written by Alexey Sokirko, Igor Nozhov, Lev Gershenzon, Andrey Putrin 
and many other people.

The project started in Moscow in Dialing 
Company (Russian and English language). The German part was created  
at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in  Berlin (the project DWDS). 

Russian website (Russian documents) is www.aot.ru.
More detail about Morphology dicts is here: Docs/Morph_UNIX.txt

==============  Prerequisites    ========================
0.   Install cmake (at least 3.5) from https://cmake.org/download/ and gzip (cygwin)
1.  g++ 9.0 or higher or  Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 

2. You need flex and bison to build projects after Morphology (Synan and Seman)
    sudo apt install flex bison

2.2  For Windows install cygwin (wget, gzip) and add cygwin bin to PATH

2.3 For windows I used flex and bison from https://sourceforge.net/projects/winflexbison/?source=typ_redirect
     mkdir RML/external
     mkdir RML/external/winflex
     cd RML/external/winflex
     wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/winflexbison/files/win_flex_bison-2.5.24.zip/download
     unzip win_flex_bison-2.5.24.zip
   or build it from sources https://github.com/lexxmark/winflexbison

3. To compile HTTP-daemons please install libevent 
   6.1. download source archive from  https://libevent.org/ , for example 
   6.2  wget https://github.com/libevent/libevent/releases/download/release-2.1.12-stable/c
   6.3  tar xfz libevent-2.1.12-stable.tar.gz
   6.4  mv libevent-2.1.12-stable/libevent-2.1.12-stable $RML/Source/contrib/libevent
   6.5  cd $RML/Source/contrib/libevent
   6.6  ./configure --disable-openssl
   6.7  make & sudo make install

   sudo apt install libevent-dev
4. To compile COM-objects you need to run Visual Studio as administrator.

5. To run Windows GUI Rossdev.exe and MorphWizard you must set Russian everywhere in Region Setting.

6. git clone git@github.com/aot.git --recursive RML

7. nder Windows follow  https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/cmake-projects-in-visual-studio?view=msvc-170

=================   Compilation under Linux =======================
  export RML=/home/sokirko/RML
  export CXX=/usr/bin/g++
  export CC=/usr/bin/gcc
  cd $RML
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake ..
   // or with debug 
   // cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug 
   // or to compile MorphWizard or Rossdev
   // cmake .. -A Win32
  make DESTDIR=$RML install