AirBnB Clone Project :

Embarking upon the AirBnB Clone venture! The primary ambition of this undertaking resides in the construction of a distilled rendition of the AirBnB platform. Central to our focus is the formulation of a command-line-driven entity administration framework. This comprehensive README furnishes a panoramic survey of the enterprise, the command interpreter, initiation protocols, operational guidelines, as well as illustrative instances of utilization.

Project Overview :

The AirBnB Clone initiative revolves around the establishment of a command interpreter that confers upon users the capability to administer entities within the AirBnB infrastructure. This encompasses the generation and oversight of users, states, cities, abodes, and sundry other elements. The endeavor is fractionated into myriad assignments, encompassing the construction of a progenitor class (BaseModel), the integration of serialization and deserialization mechanisms, the instantiation of specialized object classes, and the elaboration of a file storage mechanism.

Utilitarian Guide: Command Interpreter :

The command interpreter serves as a conduit, facilitating your engagement with the AirBnB framework via the terminal interface. It affords you the capacity to effectuate a spectrum of operations, encompassing the creation, retrieval, modification, and removal of entities. This segment expounds upon the initiation protocol of the interpreter, its operational nuances, and proffers instances of illustrative commands.

Starting the Interpreter:

1-Clone or download this project to your computer.

2-Open your terminal and navigate to the project's main directory.

3-Run the following command: python3

Using the Interpreter:

Once the interpreter is running, you can enter commands to work with the AirBnB objects. Each command follows this format: command_name [object_type] [command_arguments]

Examples: Here are some examples of commands you can use:

1-Creating a new user: create User email="" password="securepassword" first_name="John" last_name="Doe"

2-Listing all users: all User

3-Updating a user's email: update User 1234-5678-9012 email=""

4-Deleting a user: destroy User 1234-5678-9012

5-Exiting the interpreter: quit