- 1
Text above shapes
#271 opened by arturcarvalho - 1
Doesn't work with roughjs v4.3.1
#270 opened by hamza1220 - 1
Text Rendering
#269 opened by yunusemredilber - 1
Typo on
#266 opened by sarscoder - 3
- 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#265 opened by greenkeeper - 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/parser is breaking the build 🚨
#263 opened by greenkeeper - 0
- 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#261 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/parser is breaking the build 🚨
#256 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
An in-range update of react-docgen-typescript-loader is breaking the build 🚨
#244 opened by greenkeeper - 3
Error: Invalid key "x1" assigned to "line component"
#242 opened by fabmeyer - 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨
#240 opened by greenkeeper - 1
An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/parser is breaking the build 🚨
#241 opened by greenkeeper - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
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- 0
- 0
- 1