
Open Orchestrator Cloud Radio Access Network

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

OOCRAN: Open Orchestrator Cloud Radio Access Network

What is OOCRAN?

OOCRAN is an implementation of the NFV MANO standard architecture, designed for wireless communications and provided by the NLnet foundation, that introduces the management of the radio spectrum. An OpenStack running cluster is necessary (tested on Newton release).


  • Computational resources and Radio Spectrum Sharing.
  • Interference avoidance.
  • NVFI management for service providers.
  • Easy Infrastructure management for infratustructe providers.
  • Multi VIM and multi hypervisor support.
  • LTE transmission use case.
  • VNF Descriptor APIs.
  • Graphical User Interface for the NVFI orchestrator.
  • OSS/BBS implementation.


  • Python 2.6
  • Influxdb
  • Vagrant >=1.9.5


Please refer to the OOCRAN Installation guide for a thorough walkthrough wiki.

Get Started

As of now, OOCRAN can only be deployed on top of OpenStack environments but OOCRAN will support local hypervisors (Docker, KVM, VirtualBox ) in subsequent releases. To get started with some examples, please refer to the examples guide.

News and Website

Information about OOCRAN can be found in the website

Issue tracker

Issues and bug reports should be posted to the GitHub Issue Tracker.

Project state

Follow the state of the project on Trello

Mail List

Subscribe to OOCRAN developer team, check the following link


This software is licensed under the Apache2 License.
OOCRAN is based on Django project with use the BSD License. See the LICENSE files in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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