
Some quick commands I don't like to Google for in future coz the make me look bad.


Some quick commands I don't want to google in future coz they certainly make me look bad.

Shuts down after 2 hours.

sudo sleep 7200s; sudo pm-suspend

The very capable ViewSonic

  • xrandr --output VGA1 --size 1600x1200
  • xrandr --newmode "1600x1200_60.00" 161.00 1600 1712 1880 2160 1200 1203 1207 1245 -hsync +vsync
  • xrandr --addmode VGA1 1600x1200_60.00
  • xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1600x1200_60.00

Export only new/modified files on svn not yet checkedin

svn status | grep '^[ADMR]' | cut -b 8- | xargs -I '{}' cp --parents {} /temporary/destination/dir

Generate db schema diagrams etc PMA is knackered on Archey

schemaspy -t mysql -db db_name -u root -p password -o output_folder -host localhost -dp /home/anthony/Downloads/DbToEr/mysql-connector-java-3.1.13-bin.jar

regular use of this command to remove unneeded or unwanted packages

pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qqtd)

control brightness of screen esp using secondary monitor

redshift -l -1.300593:36.774244 -t 6500:6500 -b 0.5

Some need to have commands

pacgraph --console
ps -ao comm,size,rss,vsize

Dump base64 in a string to be copy-pasted

cat here.svg | base64 -w 0

Find the top 5 mem hoggers

$ ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5

#Just cool tree --noreport -fp

Create a bootable disk

sudo dd if=/home/anthony/Downloads/ubuntu-14.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdc

Mounting remote dir locally without key login

sshfs debian@ secureapp -o PubkeyAuthentication=no

Mounting erros esp dealing with encrypted usb drive [1]

dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks-77ddcd10-fd0a-4aaf-b29b-3c716522a9cf

Stripping GPS data from photos

pacman -S perl-image-exiftool Go to dir with the said images:
for i in *.jpg; do echo "Processing $i"; exiftool -all= "$i"; done

Bluetooth misbehaves [2]

sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth

[1] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1586318
[2] https://forum.manjaro.org/index.php?topic=25264.0 http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Remove-EXIF-Metadata-from-Photos-with-exiftool