
Datasets used for teaching at Department of Statistics, Stockholm University

Primary LanguageR


An R package with datasets used in courses at Department of Statistics, Stockholm University. Department members can add datasets following the instructions.


  • bike 🚲 - Number of daily rides for a bike share company in Washington D.C.
    regression time series counts

  • bloodpressure πŸ₯ - Systolic blood pressure for male and females

  • campy 😷 - Number of campylobacter infections in Quebec
    time series counts

  • chinagdp πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ - GDP per capita for China 1960-2020
    time series exponential growth

  • debtratio 🏦 - Financial leverage of US firms
    regression proportions

  • ebaycoins βœ‹ - Final price and number of bidders in eBay auctions of collectors coins
    regression binary regression counts

  • electricitycost πŸ’‘ - Determinants of electricity cost for Australian households
    regression skewed

  • galton 🐷 - Data on the height of adult children and their parents

  • globaltemp πŸ“ˆ - Global temperature 1880-2020
    time series

  • healthbudget πŸ₯ - Spending on health and life expectancy in 30 countries
    regression outlier influence

  • heart ❀️ - Determinants of heart attacks
    binary regression

  • orings πŸš€ - Challenger USA Space Shuttle O-Ring data
    regression counts binomial

  • rainfall β˜” - Rainfall at Snoqualmie Falls, Washington
    time series

  • salaries πŸ’΅ - Salaries for 397 US university professors and explanatory variables
    regression skewed

  • smoking 🚬 - Smoking habit for 60 people
    counts binomial

  • swedinfl πŸ’° - Monthly Swedish inflation and the repo interest rate (1995-2021)
    regression time series

  • tempLinkoping β˜€οΈ - Temperature in LinkΓΆping, Sweden in 2016
    time series

  • titanic 🚒 - Survival of passengers on the Titanic
    binary regression

  • womenwork πŸ™‹ - Womens' labor force participation
    binary regression