
A simple and easy to use bot template for discord, using discord-js v12.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dummy-porkchop, a discord bot template for oldmonk server members.

Some pre-configurations and requirements.

  • Make sure you have Node.js installed, you can check it in your terminal by using node -v. If you don't have node installed, you can do it from here.
  • Make sure you clone the project and then follow the steps below.
  • You need to authenticate in order to clone this dummy-project
  • After you've successfully cloned the project - you should create 2 files in the /config folder with the names config.json and cache.json or just rename the cloned config-example.json & cache-example.json to the latter. I suggest creating new files as those files are already ignored - and it won't leak your token and config. Beware on renaming the files - you might have issues while pulling from this repo again when its updated (but it won't matter if you're just cloning for 1st time and you won't be pulling the future changes of this repository.)

Using yarn package manager.

You can use Yarn instead of NPM but if you are using yarn like me then while initialising & installing dependencies use the commands below or else its fine if you're using node package manager (npm)

yarn init

What this does is initialises your project. Fill in all the details as per your choice (or default them by pressing enter key) just when it asks for entry-point type in source/index and then hit enter and then you can skip rest to default.

Then you can install the discord js package which will be use to interact with the discord's API.

yarn add discord.js

This is how you'll install/remove packages using yarn.

yarn add/remove <dependency name>

If you do not have yarn package manager installed then you can click here to install it & run the following:

Using a Linter

I suggest using a linter to avoid some common errors. Visit ESLint to get started, this is completely optional but recomended.

npm install eslint --save-dev

# or

yarn add eslint --dev

You can make your own custom rules while configuring your linter.

Make sure..

You install these dependencies.

1. Required Packages

Install these packages.

yarn add moment
# or 
npm install moment
yarn add diff
# or 
npm install diff
yarn add glob
# or 
npm install glob
yarn add ms
# or 
npm install ms
yarn add node-fetch
# or 
npm install node-fetch

You can skip mongoose if you are not planning to use any database.

yarn add mongoose
# or 
npm install mongoose

Storing information [Using database]

You can use a database to store data and retrive it, you will need a database if you're planning to add any sort of levelling-system or a bot-economy system, you would need a db for a better moderation commands. So I've used MongoDB for this project - and I'm using mongoose for establishing connection between the bot and the database. You can visit MongoDB and create a cluster there - then you'll be almost done. If you don't know how to create one - you can join my discord-server - I have instructions over there.

After that all you need to do is install mongoose - yarn add mongoose or npm install mongoose.

Then you just need to open your collection and get the connection link and paste in in your config file (config-example.json is UPDATED). When you'll start the bot you'll see that its connected to the database in the console. (Make sure you edit the ready.js with your database name.)

If you encounter issues feel free to join the discord.

2. Optional Dependencies (recommended)

npm install colors.json
# or
yarn add colors.json

You can consider using this for changing the embed colors. Add this line if you want to change the embed colors if you're using this package.

const colors = require('colors.json');
Common-tags (recommended)
npm install common-tags
# or 
yarn add common-tags

You can use this package if you want to make a steam profile search, you can read more here for more explanation and uses.

Date Format
npm install dateformat
# or 
yarn add dateformat

Wrapping up..

So you're good to go - you have a basic bot template with few commands - you can add more commands and make your bot better.

Links & Resources.

Discord JS Library Discord.js Documentation

Discord JS Guide Discord.js Guide [used v12 for this bot.]

Install node.js for executing .js code outside browsers.

Install Yarn package manager if not using npm.

Read more about ESLint and refer to get started.