
An open letter and archive on proctoring.

On proctoring.

“sort of like spyware that we just legitimize.” Chris Dayley, director of academic testing services, Utah State University, on Proctorio (source)


Information about this project

This repository serves multiple purposes:

  1. Archiving and sharing evidence on misdoings of online proctoring services et al. (i.e. schools and other institutions they work with) in a somewhat decentralized/takedown-resistant fashion.
  2. Organizing this evidence so that it is easily navigable by the public.
  3. Voicing our concerns to teachers/professors, administrators, and the general public about this software.
  4. Protesting against the usage of flagrant lawsuits to quell dissent.
  5. Protesting and protecting against the gross misuse of DMCA to take down valid criticism based on public information

To help, please:

  1. Sign this letter - Click here to sign this letter.
  2. Share this letter - Tell anyone you know who might care about this.
  3. Fork this repository - This makes a copy of the repository on your account, so that even if this copy of it gets taken down, your copy will remain up.
  4. Contribute - We need evidence of misdoings, personal accounts from test-takers and professors, and general spelling/grammar and fact checks. Translations are very much welcomed as well.
  5. Document - Documentation on using git to contribute, archive content, etc. written/recorded for complete beginners are needed to increase participation.

Code of Conduct

This project uses the Creator's Code, which can be viewed at CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, as its code of conduct.