本项目借鉴于https://github.com/Sunzxyong/ApiInspect 修改内容如下
- 增加了检测范围;
- 支持className occurClassName method LineNumber多条件过滤
- 修改为Referenced方式,不再Copy文件
- 优化了兼容性问题;
- 添加了interruptBuild属性,可选择打断Build过程
Add dependencies in build.gradle
of the root project
repositories {
dependencies {
// ...
classpath('com.github.ooftf:spy-plugin:1.0.5') {
exclude group: 'com.android.tools.build', module: 'gradle'
and add the apply plugin
to build.gradle in the module:
apply plugin: 'ooftf-spy'
By default, spy
will inspects all apis but does not contain the system api. Of course, you can also customize exclude
or include
spy {
enable true //Whether api inspect is enabled.
inspectSystemApi false //Whether to inspect the system api.
interruptBuild true //Whether interrupt build when find error
//Specify the library to inspect.
// include {
// //Value is the package name.
// api "com.zxy.tiny"
// }
//Specify the library not to inspect.
/*exclude {
//Value is the package name.
api 'com.taobao.'
api 'com.alibaba.'
api 'org.'
api 'com.baidubce.'
api 'com.heytap.'
api 'com.meizu.'
api 'com.huawei.'
api 'com.google.'
api 'com.vivo.'
api 'edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings'
api 'com.squareup.picasso.'
api 'com.alipay.'
api 'dalvik.'
api 'sun.nio.'
api 'okhttp3.internal.annotations.EverythingIsNonNull'
api 'com.nostra13.universalimageloader.','com.didichuxing.doraemonkit'
api 'com.tencent.map.geolocation.','com.didichuxing.doraemonkit'
首先根据报错信息找到对应的类,如果对应位置有try catch处理这些一般可以添加到exclude
When the Apk build is completed. The results of the inspection will be printed on the console:
Of course, The results of the inspection will also be stored in the api-inspect