
A point cloud visualization repo

Primary LanguagePython


A point cloud visualization repo

  • Multiple Point Cloud Renderer using Mitsuba 3
  • Real Time Point Cloud View Tool



python >= 3.7

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Usage

# Render a single file to colorful image
python main.py --path example/chair.npy --render

# Render a single file to knn cluster colorful image
python main.py --path <file path> --render --knn

# Render a single file to white image
python main.py --path <file path> --render --white

# Render a single file to specified RGB
python main.py --path <file path> --render --RGB R G B

# Render a single file to split part using knn
python main.py --path <file path> --part

# Render a single file with rotation 90 degree in y axis
python main.py --path <file path> --render --rot 0 90 0

# Render a single file with voxelization style
python main.py --path <file path> --render --radius 0.03 --num 384 --type voxel

# view real time point cloud
python main.py --path <file path> --tool

# view real time colorful point cloud with bbox
python main.py --path example/furniture.npy --tool --bbox example/bbox.npy --BGR


Args Introduction

  • Required Parameters

--path: Specify the path for the input file. Currently, supports .npy, .ply, .npz, .txt, and .pth formats for input, with a size of N × 3 (without color) or N × 6 (with color). If the size is B × N × 3, the first element in the batch will be selected.

--render: Using mitsuba to create beautiful image with shadow.

--tool: Using real time point cloud visualization tools, you can drag the point clouds. Typing "Q" to exit.

  • Optional Parameters

--knn: Using KNN cluster to generate render color map. Note that KNN render will ignore the origin color infomation (if have).

--num: Specify the downsample point num, default is inf.

--center_num: The knn center num, default is 24.

--part: Perform KNN clustering on the objects and render each segment separately, with the 'center_num' parameter equally effective.

--white: Render white object. Note that white render will ignore the origin color infomation (if have).

--RGB: Render object with specific RGB value. Note that RGB render will ignore the origin color infomation (if have).

--mask: Render masked point cloud.


Many thanks to following codes that help us a lot in building this codebase: