
Inteliquent OpenAPI Generated SDK

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT




This document explains how to access and use the Inteliquent Services API to integrate your applications with Inteliquent’s for automated processing of telephone number, port-in, and order management operations.
Only RESTful protocol is supported (the Services API accepts information in JSON format). Use the following URLs to make API calls:

## Accounts and Access Request an account from Inteliquent (portal.support@inteliquent.com) for the production and sandbox API environments. After an account has been created and API access is enabled for your company, you can retrieve your company’s key and secret from the Admin section of the customer portal for the appropriate environment.

Access the portal using the following URLs:

### Security The Inteliquent Services API accepts HTTPS connections using TLS version 1.2. ### Authentication Two forms of authentication are supported by Services API:
  • OAuth2 Authentication and Authorization
  • Basic Authentication

  ### OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is the authentication and authorization mechanism for the Inteliquent Services API. Your application must pass the correct token in the HTTP header to make API calls to Inteliquent.
Your application can request a token from the Inteliquent Token Generator with your consumer key and secret, as shown below. Tokens expire after one hour.

Example Request (using curl):
curl -X POST -H \"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" –H \"charset:UTF-8\" https://services-token.inteliquent.com/oauth2/token --insecure --data \"client_id=YOURCONSUMERKEY&client_secret=YOURCONSUMERSECRET&grant_type=client_credentials\"
Example Response:
{\"scope\":\"am_application_scope default\",\"token_type\":\"bearer\",\"expires_in\":9223372036854775807,\"access_token\":\"a12b34567c89012def34g56789hi0j12\"}

Note- Substitute “services-token-sandbox” for “services-token” in the above URL to retrieve your token for the sandbox environment.

  ### Authorization

You must provide the token as part of the HTTP Header each time you make an API call.
When your application calls the Inteliquent services API, the API first validates that the OAuth2.0 token is valid. If so, the service call will be executed. If not, the following error message will be returned:
<ams:fault xmlns:ams="http://wso2.org/apimanager/security\"> ams:code900901</ams:code> ams:messageInvalid Credentials</ams:message> ams:descriptionAccess failure for API: /Services/2.0.0, version: 2.0.0 with key: Abcd1FghIjK23l4mno5pqrX6yzab. Make sure you have given the correct access token</ams:description> </ams:fault>

  ### Basic Authentication

You can use your API Key and Secret to set the Basic Authorization header.

Example Request:
Authorization: Basic Base64 encoded(Key:Secret)

When your application calls the Inteliquent Services API, the API first validates that the Basic Auth is valid. If so, the service call will be executed. If not, the following error message will be returned:

{ "message": "Invalid authentication information provided", "status": "Invalid credentials", "statusCode": "401001", "timestamp": "2019-12-10T14:07:32.310-0600" }


For more information, please visit https://inteliquent.com.

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.3 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0 but has not been tested.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git"
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\AccountSettingsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$payload = new \OpenAPI\Client\Model\InlineObject135(); // \OpenAPI\Client\Model\InlineObject135

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->accountDefaultDetailPost($payload);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AccountSettingsApi->accountDefaultDetailPost: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://services.inteliquent.com/Services/2.0.0

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountSettingsApi accountDefaultDetailPost POST /accountDefaultDetail View Account Default Settings
AccountSettingsApi accountDefaultPost POST /accountDefault Update Account Default Settings
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRoutePlanDetailPost POST /advancedCallRoutePlanDetail Advanced Call Route Plan Detail
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRoutePlanListPost POST /advancedCallRoutePlanList Advanced Call Route Plan List
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRoutePlanPost POST /advancedCallRoutePlan Add Advanced Call Route Plan
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRouteServiceAreasPost POST /advancedCallRouteServiceAreas Advanced Call Route Service Area List
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRouteServiceLocationsPost POST /advancedCallRouteServiceLocations Advanced Call Route Service Location List
AdvancedCallRouteApi advancedCallRouteTimeZonesPost POST /advancedCallRouteTimeZones Advanced Call Route Time Zone List
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfileDetailPost POST /timeProfileDetail Advanced Call Route Time Profile Detail
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfileListPost POST /timeProfileList Advanced Call Route Time Profile List
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfilePost POST /timeProfile Create Time Profile for Advanced Call Route
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfileSpecialDayDetailPost POST /timeProfileSpecialDayDetail Advanced Call Route Special Day Time Profile Detail
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfileSpecialDayListPost POST /timeProfileSpecialDayList Advanced Call Route Special Day Time Profile List
AdvancedCallRouteApi timeProfileSpecialDayPost POST /timeProfileSpecialDay Create Special Day Time Profile for Advanced Call Route
ApproveAllTelephoneNumbersOnPortOutOrderApi portOutApprovalPost POST /portOutApproval Approve Port-Out Telephone Numbers
ClientKeyManagementApi deleteClientPost POST /deleteClient Delete Client Key
ClientKeyManagementApi getClientListPost POST /getClientList Get Client Key List
ClientKeyManagementApi registerClientPost POST /registerClient Register a Client
ClientKeyManagementApi resetClientPost POST /resetClient Reset a Client
ClientKeyManagementApi updateClientPost POST /updateClient Update Client Key Information
CustomerNotificationsApi customerNotificationListPost POST /customerNotificationList List of configured notifications
CustomerNotificationsApi customerNotificationPost POST /customerNotification Update configuration for customer notification
CustomerNotificationsApi notificationTypesPost POST /notificationTypes Supported Notification Types
CustomerNotificationsApi webhookTypesPost POST /webhookTypes Supported Webhook Types
DeprecatedAPIsApi portInMessagingOrderPost POST /portInMessagingOrder Port-In TN with Messaging Feature - DEPRECATED
DeprecatedAPIsApi tfFeatureDetailPost POST /tfFeatureDetail Retrieve Assigned TF Detail - DEPRECATED
DeprecatedAPIsApi tfMessagingOrderPost POST /tfMessagingOrder Order/Add TF Messaging Feature - DEPRECATED
DeprecatedAPIsApi tnE911OrderPost POST /tnE911Order Order E911-Only Telephone Number - DEPRECATED
DeprecatedAPIsApi tnMessagingOrderPost POST /tnMessagingOrder Order Messaging-Only Telephone Number - DEPRECATED
DeprecatedAPIsApi tnSearchAssignedPost POST /tnSearchAssigned Search Assigned Telephone Number - DEPRECATED
GetCredentialsApi credentialPost POST /credential Get Credentials
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlAreaCodeInfoPost POST /intlAreaCodeInfo Supported Area Codes
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlConditionListPost POST /intlConditionList Retrieve list of conditions for Telephone Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlCountryListPost POST /intlCountryList Supported Country List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlExcludedTnListPost POST /intlExcludedTnList Excluded TN List for an International Order
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlNumberTypesPost POST /intlNumberTypes Supported Number Types
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderAddContactNotePost POST /intlOrderAddContactNote Add Order Level Contact As a Note
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderAddDocumentPost POST /intlOrderAddDocument Add Order Level Documents
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderAddNotePost POST /intlOrderAddNote Add Order Level Notes
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderCancelPost POST /intlOrderCancel Cancel Order
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderDetailPost POST /intlOrderDetail Retrieve Order Details
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderDocumentDownloadPost POST /intlOrderDocumentDownload Download Order Document
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderDocumentPost POST /intlOrderDocument Retrieve Order Document List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlOrderListPost POST /intlOrderList Retrieve International Order List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlPortInOrderListPost POST /intlPortInOrderList Retrieve International Port-In Order List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlPortInOrderPost POST /intlPortInOrder Order International Port-In Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlRoutingOptionListPost POST /intlRoutingOptionList Supported Routing Options List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnAddDocumentPost POST /intlTnAddDocument Add International Telephone Number Documents
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnAddNotePost POST /intlTnAddNote Add TN Notes
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnDetailPost POST /intlTnDetail Retrieve International Telephone Number Detail
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnDisconnectPost POST /intlTnDisconnect Disconnect Active International Telephone Number
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnDocumentDownloadPost POST /intlTnDocumentDownload Download International Telephone Number Documents
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnEndUserPost POST /intlTnEndUser End User Details for International Telephone Number
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnInventoryPost POST /intlTnInventory Search International Telephone Number Inventory
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnNoteUpdatePost POST /intlTnNoteUpdate Update Note for Active International Telephone Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnOrderPost POST /intlTnOrder Order International Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnRequestPost POST /intlTnRequest Request Telephone Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnReservePost POST /intlTnReserve Reserve International Numbers
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnReservedListPost POST /intlTnReservedList Retrieve Telephone Number Reserved List
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnRoutingUpdatePost POST /intlTnRoutingUpdate Update Telephone Number Routing
InternationalVoiceServicesApi intlTnUpdatePost POST /intlTnUpdate Update In Service Telephone Numbers
MessageBrokerApi configureAuthorizationPost POST /configureAuthorization Configure Inbound Message Webhook
MessageBrokerApi customerConfiguredWebhookURLForInboundMessagingPost POST /CustomerConfiguredWebhookURLForInboundMessaging Receive Inbound Message Webhook
MessageBrokerApi publishMessagesPost POST /publishMessages Send Outbound Message
MessageBrokerApi removeAuthorizationPost POST /removeAuthorization Remove API Key and Webhook Information
MessageBrokerApi selectAuthorizationPost POST /selectAuthorization Retrieve API Key and Webhook Information
MessagingApi addMessagingBrandPost POST /addMessagingBrand Add Brand
MessagingApi addMessagingCampaignPost POST /addMessagingCampaign Add Campaign
MessagingApi brandOrderDetailPost POST /brandOrderDetail Brand Order Detail
MessagingApi brandOrderListPost POST /brandOrderList Brand Order List
MessagingApi brandOrderPost POST /brandOrder Create a new Brand
MessagingApi campaignCredentialsPost POST /campaignCredentials Get Campaign Credentials
MessagingApi campaignDetailPost POST /campaignDetail Campaign Details
MessagingApi campaignOrderDetailPost POST /campaignOrderDetail Get Campaign Order Details
MessagingApi campaignOrderListPost POST /campaignOrderList List Campaign Orders
MessagingApi campaignOrderPost POST /campaignOrder Create a new Campaign
MessagingApi messageCampaignsPost POST /messageCampaigns View Messaging Campaign List
MessagingApi messagingBrandAlternateBusinessIdTypeListPost POST /messagingBrand/alternateBusinessIdTypeList Alternate BusinessId Type List
MessagingApi messagingBrandBrandStatusListPost POST /messagingBrand/brandStatusList BrandStatus List
MessagingApi messagingBrandBrandStockExchangeListPost POST /messagingBrand/brandStockExchangeList Brand Stock Exchange List
MessagingApi messagingBrandCampaignListPost POST /messagingBrandCampaignList View Brand Campaigns List
MessagingApi messagingBrandEntityListPost POST /messagingBrand/entityList Entity List
MessagingApi messagingBrandListPost POST /messagingBrandList View Messaging Brands List
MessagingApi messagingBrandRelationshipListPost POST /messagingBrand/relationshipList Relationship List
MessagingApi messagingBrandUseCaseListPost POST /messagingBrand/useCaseList Use Cases for a Brand
MessagingApi messagingBrandVerticalListPost POST /messagingBrand/verticalList Vertical List
MessagingApi messagingCampaignClassListPost POST /messagingCampaignClassList View Campaign Class List
MessagingApi registerCampaignCredentialsPost POST /registerCampaignCredentials Register Campaign Credentials
MessagingApi tnMessagingCampaignListPost POST /tnMessagingCampaignList View Tn Messaging Campaign List
MessagingApi tnMessagingCampaignPost POST /tnMessagingCampaign Assign or Remove Messaging Campaign For Tn
MessagingApi updateMessagingBrandPost POST /updateMessagingBrand Update Brand
MessagingApi updateMessagingCampaignPost POST /updateMessagingCampaign Update Campaign
NetworkApi changeTrunkGroupOrderPost POST /changeTrunkGroupOrder Change Trunk Group Configuration
NetworkApi customerLocationListPost POST /customerLocationList Customer Location List
NetworkApi dtmfRelayListPost POST /dtmfRelayList DTMF Relay List
NetworkApi e911CallSearchPost POST /e911CallSearch Retrieve 911 Call Detail Records
NetworkApi messageDetailSearchPost POST /messageDetailSearch Retrieve Message Detail Record
NetworkApi routingLabelDetailPost POST /routingLabelDetail Retrieve Toll Free Routing Label Detail
NetworkApi routingLabelSearchAssignedPost POST /routingLabelSearchAssigned Search Assigned Toll Free Routing Label
NetworkApi routingLabelUpdatePost POST /routingLabelUpdate Change Toll Free Routing Label Name
NetworkApi routingOptionDetailPost POST /routingOptionDetail Routing Option Details
NetworkApi routingOptionListPost POST /routingOptionList Routing Option List
NetworkApi routingOptionPost POST /routingOption Change Routing Option Name
NetworkApi switchLocationListPost POST /switchLocationList Inteliquent Switch Locations
NetworkApi testTrunkGroupPost POST /testTrunkGroup Test a Trunk group
NetworkApi trunkGroupDetailPost POST /trunkGroupDetail Trunk Group Details
NetworkApi trunkGroupListPost POST /trunkGroupList Customer's Trunk Group List
NetworkApi trunkGroupOrderDetailPost POST /trunkGroupOrderDetail Trunk Group Order Detail
NetworkApi trunkGroupOrderListPost POST /trunkGroupOrderList Trunk Group Order Listing
NetworkApi trunkGroupOrderPost POST /trunkGroupOrder Order New Trunk Group
NetworkApi trunkGroupSearchAssignedPost POST /trunkGroupSearchAssigned Search Assigned Trunk Group
NetworkApi trunkGroupSessionUpdatePost POST /trunkGroupSessionUpdate Update Trunk Group Session Count
NetworkApi trunkGroupUpdatePost POST /trunkGroupUpdate Change Trunk Group Name
NetworkApi trunkGroupUtilizationPost POST /trunkGroupUtilization Retrieve Trunk Group Utilization Detail
OrderApi excludedE911DetailPost POST /excludedE911Detail Retrieve Excluded E911 Detail
OrderApi excludedFeatureListPost POST /excludedFeatureList Retrieve Excluded Feature List
OrderApi excludedTnListPost POST /excludedTnList Retrieve Excluded Telephone Number List
OrderApi orderAddDocumentPost POST /orderAddDocument Add Order Document
OrderApi orderAddNotePost POST /orderAddNote Add Order Note
OrderApi orderCancelPost POST /orderCancel Cancel Pending Order
OrderApi orderDetailPost POST /orderDetail View Order Detail
OrderApi orderDocumentPost POST /orderDocument Retrieve Order Document
OrderApi orderListPost POST /orderList View Order List
OrderApi orderNotePost POST /orderNote View Order Note
OrderApi orderUpdatePost POST /orderUpdate Update Pending Order
OrderApi tnMessagingPost POST /tnMessaging Provision Messaging
OrderApi tnPortOutRejectPost POST /tnPortOutReject Reject Number - Port Out
OrderApi tnRequestPost POST /tnRequest Request TN
PortInApi portInAvailabilityPost POST /portInAvailability Check Telephone Number Porting Service Availability
PortInApi portInOrderActivatePost POST /portInOrderActivate Activate Port-In Order
PortInApi portInOrderAvailableActivationPost POST /portInOrderAvailableActivation Retrieve Port-In Order Available Activation Groups
PortInApi portInOrderListPost POST /portInOrderList Get Port In Order Listing
PortInApi portInOrderPost POST /portInOrder Order Port-In Telephone Numbers
PortInApi portInOrderTnListPost POST /portInOrderTnList Get Port In Order TN Listing
PortInApi tnCsrLookupPost POST /tnCsrLookup CSR Lookup
PortOutPinLogListApi portOutPinLogListPost POST /portOutPinLogList Log list associated with PortOut PINs
ReferenceApi addressValidatePost POST /addressValidate Validate E911 Address
ReferenceApi cicListPost POST /cicList Retrieve Toll Free CICs
ReferenceApi customerE911NotificationListPost POST /customerE911NotificationList Customer Notification List for Unprovisioned E911 alerts
ReferenceApi customerE911NotificationPost POST /customerE911Notification Customer Notification Settings for Unprovisioned E911 alerts
ReferenceApi lataInventoryPost POST /lataInventory Retrieve LATA List
ReferenceApi rateCenterCoveragePost POST /rateCenterCoverage Retrieve Approved DID and LNP Rate Center Coverage
ReferenceApi tnE911NotificationListPost POST /tnE911NotificationList E911 Notification List
ReferenceApi tnE911NotificationPost POST /tnE911Notification` E911 Notification
ReferenceApi tnE911Post POST /tnE911 Provision E911
ReferenceApi tnE911ValidatePost POST /tnE911Validate Validate E911
ReferenceApi tnFeatureCNamListPost POST /tnFeatureCNamList Retrieve CNAM Storage Numbers
ReferenceApi tnFeatureCnamDipPost POST /tnFeatureCnamDip Retrieve CNAM Dip Setting on All Numbers
ReferenceApi tnFeatureDLListPost POST /tnFeatureDLList Retrieve Directory Listing Numbers
ReferenceApi tnFeatureE911ListPost POST /tnFeatureE911List Retrieve E911 Numbers
ReferenceApi tnFeatureMessageListPost POST /tnFeatureMessageList Retrieve Messaging Numbers
ReferenceApi tnPortOutHistoryPost POST /tnPortOutHistory Telephone Number Port-Out History
ReferenceApi whitelistedAddressPost POST /whitelistedAddress White List Address
TelephoneNumberApi portOutPinUpdatePost POST /portOutPinUpdate Update Port-Out PIN for Active Telephone Number
TelephoneNumberApi tnAltSpidPost POST /tnAltSpid Add or Remove Alternative SPID for Active Telephone Number
TelephoneNumberApi tnAssignedListPost POST /tnAssignedList Retrieve Assigned Telephone Number List
TelephoneNumberApi tnDetailPost POST /tnDetail Retrieve Telephone Number Detail
TelephoneNumberApi tnDisconnectPost POST /tnDisconnect Disconnect Active Telephone Number
TelephoneNumberApi tnDnoPost POST /tnDno Update Active Telephone Number Dno
TelephoneNumberApi tnFeatureOrderPost POST /tnFeatureOrder Add, Update, or Remove Active Telephone Number Feature
TelephoneNumberApi tnForwardListPost POST /tnForwardList Phone Number Call Forward Listing
TelephoneNumberApi tnForwardPost POST /tnForward Manage Phone Number Call Forward Settings
TelephoneNumberApi tnInventoryCoveragePost POST /tnInventoryCoverage Retrieve Telephone Number Inventory Coverage
TelephoneNumberApi tnInventoryPost POST /tnInventory Search Telephone Number Inventory
TelephoneNumberApi tnNoteUpdatePost POST /tnNoteUpdate Update Note for Active Telephone Number
TelephoneNumberApi tnOrderPost POST /tnOrder Order New Telephone Number
TelephoneNumberApi tnPendingDisconnectListPost POST /tnPendingDisconnectList List of TNs Pending Disconnection
TelephoneNumberApi tnReleasePost POST /tnRelease Release Reserved TNs
TelephoneNumberApi tnReservePost POST /tnReserve Reserve TNs
TelephoneNumberApi tnReservedListPost POST /tnReservedList Retrieve Reserved TNs
TelephoneNumberApi tnRestorePost POST /tnRestore Restore Disconnected Telephone Numbers
TelephoneNumberApi tnUpdatePost POST /tnUpdate Update Active Telephone Number Trunk Group
TelephoneNumberApi voiceScriptDetailPost POST /voiceScriptDetail List Voice Script Settings
TelephoneNumberApi voiceScriptPost POST /voiceScript Voice Platform Script Configuration
TnPortOutPinApi tnPortOutPinDetailPost POST /tnPortOutPinDetail Assigned TN Port Out PIN
TollFreeApi tfBtnPost POST /tfBtn Update billing Tn value for Toll free numbers
TollFreeApi tfDetailPost POST /tfDetail Search Assigned Toll Free Number Detail
TollFreeApi tfDisconnectPost POST /tfDisconnect Disconnect Toll Free Number
TollFreeApi tfDnisPost POST /tfDnis Update dnis value for Toll free numbers
TollFreeApi tfDnoPost POST /tfDno Update dno setting for Toll free numbers
TollFreeApi tfFeatureCNamListPost POST /tfFeatureCNamList Retrieve Assigned TF for feature Calling Name
TollFreeApi tfFeatureE911ListPost POST /tfFeatureE911List Retrieve E911 Toll Free Numbers
TollFreeApi tfFeatureMessageListPost POST /tfFeatureMessageList Retrieve Assigned TF for feature Message
TollFreeApi tfFeatureOrderPost POST /tfFeatureOrder ADD/Update/Remove Messaging, E911 & Calling feature
TollFreeApi tfForwardListPost POST /tfForwardList Toll Free Number Call Forward Listing
TollFreeApi tfForwardPost POST /tfForward Manage Toll Free Number Call Forward Settings
TollFreeApi tfInventoryPost POST /tfInventory Search Toll Free Number Inventory
TollFreeApi tfMovePost POST /tfMove Moving TFNs between Accounts
TollFreeApi tfOrderPost POST /tfOrder Load, Order, or Port Toll Free Numbers
TollFreeApi tfRequestPost POST /tfRequest Request Toll Free Numbers
TollFreeApi tfRespOrgPost POST /tfRespOrg Retrieve Customer RespOrg for given TollFree number.
TollFreeApi tfUpdatePost POST /tfUpdate Update Active Toll Free Number Routing
TroubleTicketingApi ticketAddDocumentPost POST /ticketAddDocument Add Trouble Ticket Document
TroubleTicketingApi ticketAddNotePost POST /ticketAddNote Add Trouble Ticket Note
TroubleTicketingApi ticketCreatePost POST /ticketCreate Create Trouble Ticket
TroubleTicketingApi ticketDetailPost POST /ticketDetail View Trouble Ticket Detail
TroubleTicketingApi ticketDocumentPost POST /ticketDocument Retrieve Trouble Ticket Document
TroubleTicketingApi ticketListPost POST /ticketList View Trouble Ticket List
TroubleTicketingApi ticketNotePost POST /ticketNote View Trouble Ticket Note
WebhooksApi customerConfiguredWebhookURLForOrderUpdatesPost POST /customerConfiguredWebhookURLForOrderUpdates Webhook for order apis




  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install



About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen