ember.js web app showing one to many data models in action using ember-data To run this django application 1. pip install -r requirements.txt 2. python manage.py syncdb 3. python manage.py runserver 4. http://localhost:8000/admin/ 5. add a few sessions and speakers **Files of interest for anyone looking at the ember side of this project https://github.com/toranb/ember-code-camp/blob/master/codecamp/static/script/app/codecamp.js - The above contains the ember views/controllers/models/router https://github.com/toranb/ember-code-camp/blob/master/codecamp/ember/templates/index.html - The above contains the handlebars template To run the jasmine unit tests 1.) npm install 2.) node node_modules/jasmine-phantom-node/bin/jasmine-phantom-node codecamp/static/script/tests