
Debian VM used for developmental purposes.

Primary LanguageNginx

Development VM

This contains a collection of scripts used with Vagrant to provision a pre-configured development and testing environment. It was created to allow a small team of collaborators to work with one another in sync with very similar environments. It also allows collaborators to keep software versions in sync easily as well.


  • Debian 8.0.0
  • systemd


  • Ansible
  • Elasticsearch
  • ImageMagick
  • io.js
  • MySQL: MariaDB + TokuDB
  • MongoDB: TokuMX
  • Nginx
  • PHP
  • Redis
  • Sphinx Search


  • advancecomp
  • byobu
  • compass (Ruby)
  • git
  • htop
  • jpegoptim
  • ltrace
  • optipng
  • pngcrush
  • tmux
  • sass (Ruby)
  • screen
  • strace
  • unzip
  • zopfli



  1. git clone https://github.com/oohnoitz/dev-vm.git --recursive
  2. cd dev-vm
  3. vagrant up
  4. vagrant ssh (or ssh with your own client)
  5. sudo bash /vagrant/build.sh


  1. git pull
  2. vagrant ssh (or ssh with your own client)
  3. sudo bash /vagrant/build.sh