Fyers API Backend


This project serves as a backend server to consume Fyers API's for various functionalities including fetching current holdings, placing buy and sell orders, handling postback from the broker, and getting prices from WebSocket.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up the required configurations in the config.js file.
  4. Start the server using npm start.


  1. Authentication Middleware: Implemented a middleware for authentication to ensure that all requests are properly authenticated before accessing the routes.
  2. Schema Implementation: Implemented schemas using Zod for request validation to ensure that all incoming requests are structured correctly and free from errors.
  3. Routes: Created routes for various functionalities including multi-buy order placement, single buy order placement, sell order placement, handling postback from the broker, and starting a WebSocket connection to get prices.
  4. Error Handling: Proper error handling is implemented throughout the application to handle any unexpected errors and provide meaningful responses to the clients.
  5. Full Safe Endpoint: Ensured that all endpoints are full safe, meaning requests are properly structured and validated before processing, thus minimizing the chances of errors.


  • /multi-buy-order: Endpoint for placing multi-buy orders.
  • /buy-order: Endpoint for placing single buy orders.
  • /sell-order: Endpoint for placing sell orders.
  • /postback: Endpoint to handle postback from the broker.
  • /websocket: Endpoint to start a WebSocket connection for getting prices.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Axios
  • Zod