
Project to facilate deployment and subsequent updating of the ION R1 dispatcher

Primary LanguagePython

Dispatcher for early adopters

You must be registered with the ION system and your user must have early-adopter priviledges for the dispatcher to function. Contact Chris Mueller for more info.

To install:


setup your python virtualenv:

[ setup virtual env ], follow steps here: https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/CIDev/New+developer+tutorial
mkvirtualenv dispatcher

Obtain the deployment

With GIT:

git clone git://github.com/ooici-eoi/dispatcher_deployment.git 
cd dispatcher_deployment

Without GIT:

download tarball from https://github.com/ooici-eoi/dispatcher_deployment/archives/master *NOTE: the 7 characters at the end of the downloaded file may differ from those below

tar xfz ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a.tar.gz
mv ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a dispatcher_deployment
cd dispatcher_deployment

Configure the deployment:

from the 'dispatcher_deployment' directory, configure the deployment with:

python bootstrap.py
./bin/buildout dispatcher-config:host=<your host here> dispatcher-config:sysname=<your sysname here>

NOTE: If the broker has a username/password, specify it via dispatcher-config:username=<username> and dispatcher-config:password=<password> on the command above.

To run:

via supervisord:


Now you can navigate to http://localhost:9001 to see it running, login with ooici/sekrit

running "interactively" (no CC shell):


running via CC (debugging only):

./bin/twistd -n cc -h <your host here> -a sysname=<your sysname here> res/apps/dispatcher.app

To update:

If installed with git:

Turn off the current dispatcher with:

bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl stop
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl shutdown
ps –ef | grep dispatcher
kill –9 <any processes the grep finds>

Run the following command:


OR perform the update manually (update.sh records your last buildout settings so you don't have to retype all of this):

git pull
./bin/buildout dispatcher-config:host=<your host here> dispatcher-config:sysname=<your sysname here>

NOTE: If the broker has a username/password, specify it via dispatcher-config:username=<username> and dispatcher-config:password=<password> on the command above.

Restart the dispatcher via supervisord:


If installed without git:

Turn off the current dispatcher:

bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl stop
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl shutdown
ps –ef | grep dispatcher
kill –9 <any processes the grep finds>

Copy/move the "dispatcher.id" and "dispatcher_users.id" files to another location:

mv dispatcher.id ../dispatcher.id
mv dispatcher_users.id ../dispatcher_users.id

Delete the "dispatcher_deployment" directory:

cd ..
rm -r dispatcher_deployment

Download and untar the new deployment from: https://github.com/ooici-eoi/dispatcher_deployment/archives/master

tar xfz ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a.tar.gz
mv ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a dispatcher_deployment
cd dispatcher_deployment

Follow the steps in the "Configure the deployment" section above but DO NOT start the dispatcher

Copy/move the "dispatcher.id" and "dispatcher_users.id" files into the new "dispatcher_deployment" directory

mv ../dispatcher.id dispatcher.id
mv ../dispatcher_users.id dispatcher_users.id

Start the dispatcher:
