================================================== ION-CORE - OOI CI Integrated Observatory Network Core Libraries (Java) ================================================== January 2011 This project contains the Java core libraries for the OOI CI Integrated Observatory Network (ION). This library provides the core classes for interfacing with the common OOI message Exchange, for interacting with OOI services and OOI data objects. See: http://www.oceanobservatories.org/spaces/display/CIDev/IONCore+Java This library follows the architecture and design defined by the LCAarch project. This python based system with its core libraries represents the ION reference implementation. For more information, please see: http://www.oceanobservatories.org/spaces/display/CIDev/LCAARCH+Development+Project Setting Up Required Dependencies ================================ ION Java has two dependencies. - It depends on the Google Protocol Buffer Jar file, which must be included in this project's CLASSPATH. - It depends on the net.Init class from the ion-object-definitions repo and hence the ion_proto_x.y.jar file found in the java/dist directory of that repo. > If you haven't done so already, pull the ion-object-definitions proto, follow the README.txt to build the Java classes for the .proto files. > As part of the step above, you will have pulled down the Google Protocol Buffers zip and built the protobuf-java-x.y.z.jar file. Via your IDE, include this jar file in the ION Java project's CLASSPATH dependencies. > Via your IDE, include the distribution jar file ion-object-definitions/java/dist jar file (ion_proto_x.y.jar) as a CLASSPATH dependency. Building ======== Run > ant clean > ant dist Examples ======== Make sure LCAarch services are running. Run > ant runex Usage ===== Add the ioncore-<version>.jar library to the classpath. See the examples