Tech Stack

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • Javascript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize

Database Commands

Below is a list of database commands needed to ensure the smooth running of the application.

  • npm run migrate

This command executes all outstanding migrations on the database credentials defined in the ./database/migrations folder.

  • npm run db:rollback

This command rollbacks the last migration script executed against the database.

  • npm run db:seed

This command is used to seed the database with data provided in the src/db/seeds directory.

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository with the command

  • Install the dependencies with the command

  • npm install

  • Start the API in development environment with the command

npm run dev

API Documentation

Access API documentation through this link Here

Base URL

  • The project's base URL can be accessed by clicking on this link Here