
This directory contains the code for the classic game CodeName. You can play this game on two monitors (spymaster mode vs player mode). Have Fun!

Primary LanguagePython


Game overview

demo-1 demo-2


To run the code, you need to download every listed package in requirements.txt


  1. Clone this repository
mkdir Games
cd Games
mkdir fonts
  1. Download fonts:
    • go to this link
    • download NotoSerifSC-Bold.otf / NotoSerifSC-Regular.otf files
    • put them in the fonts folder
    • go to this link
    • download MaShanZheng-Regular.ttf
    • put it in the fonts folder
  2. Go to the Games folder and download repository with following command
git clone https://github.com/oooolga/CodeName-Python

How to play?

  • Open two terminal windows on two different monitors (monitor-A and monitor-B)
  • In Terminal A, run the line "python3 server.py".
  • While Terminal A is waiting for a client, run the line "python3 client.py" in Terminal B to connect.
  • Follow the instruction on the screen to load vocabulary list.
  • Pick team members (two teams: red/blue)
  • When a team guesses a word, press the letter corresponding to that word on keyboard.
  • Play! Have fun!
  • Rules can be found here.

Customize vocabulary list

  • go to folder VocabList
  • add a new vocabulary text file or modify an existing one