
A simple static file server, coursework for COEN317 Distributed System.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Static File Server

  • A static file server written by NodeJS using event-driven architecture, which allows receiving request from browser, telnet, etc. and respond with proper result.
  • Supports HTTP status code 200, 304, 403, and 404.
  • A Makefile and tools to build NodeJS app into executable.
  • Dependency: NodeJS 8.0+ and a bunch of dev dependencies unrelated to this static server itself.

Note: the server is designed to be running on linux.

Get started

There are mainly 4 ways to start this server:

  1. Run server through Node by npm command (recommended)
npm i           # install dev dependencies locally
npm start       # start the static server

Important: make sure you have NodeJS installed

  1. Run server through Node
npm i           # install dev dependencies locally
npm run build   # build `bundle.js`, which is compatible with ES5
node bundle.js

Or with optional parameters document_root and port

node bundle.js -document_root "~/path/to/static_files" -port 8889
  1. Build server through Node
npm i                   # install dev dependencies locally
npm run build           # build `bundle.js`, which is compatible with ES5
sudo npm i -g pkg       # install pkg to build executable
pkg -t linux bundle.js  # build executable
mv bundle server        # rename
./server                # run the executable

Important: make sure you have NodeJS installed

  1. Run by building executable with Makefile (requires root)
sudo env "PATH=$PATH" make
./server -document_root "~/path/to/static_files" -port 8765 # or just ./server


Test with browser or run npm run test

Project Structure

├── Makefile                   // Makefile to call buildExec.js
├── .gitignore                 // Files to skip by git
├── .babelrc                   // Config of Bable (JS ES6 Transpiler)
├── Readme.txt                 // This file
├── Readme.md                  // Markdown version of this file
├── buildExec.js               // Build executable
├── getNode                    // Install NodeJS if needed
├── index.js                   // Entry point
├── node_modules               // Dependencies (appears in run time)
├── package-lock.json          // List of dependencies
├── package.json               // List of dependencies and scripts
├── rollup.config.js           // Compiler for JS ES6
├── rollup.js                  // Build JS ES5 compatible version
├── serve                      // Main logic
│   ├── config.js              // Parser for command line arguments
│   ├── contentTypeResolver.js // ContentType resolver based on request
│   └── server.js              // Logic for serving static files
├── test                       // Testing related
│   ├── index.js               // Test script
│   └── test-report.pdf        // Test report in PDF
├── static                     // Static files
│   ├── 403.gif                // Testing gif file / used in 403 page
│   ├── 403.html               // Custom 403 page
│   ├── 404.html               // Custom 404 page
│   ├── 404.jpg                // Testing jpg file / used in 404 page
│   ├── index.html             // Default page (SCU main page)
│   ├── index_files            // Assets for main page
│   │   ├── 2867_Images19Cal.rev.1531259118.jpg
          . (Some assets)
│   │   └── scu.js
│   └── private.html            // A file without reading permission (700)
└── static2                     // Another set of static files (for testing)
    ├── 403.gif
    ├── 403.html
    ├── 404-minion.jpg
    ├── 404.html
    └── index.html