ReactiveTable, a Meteor package to provide you with reactively updated tabular data tables, pagination and search capabilities. All client side!
The demo shows a Bootstrap empty table. Open your browser console and when inserting data into the (client only) Books collection, you should see the table auto updating !
In the new demo, I have added a dialog
example to insert a Book
using AutoForm.
This package has been designed to prepare data and make template bindings easily. It handles pagination and search based queries. Basically, options are checked and, if valid, 'layout' template will be rendered with this prepared data context.
You simply need to call it from somewhere in your template:
<template name="page">
{{> ReactiveTable layout='myLayout' options=myOptions}}
- layout: template name to render
- options: instance options
ReactiveTable options need to be completed with data source. All accepted options are:
Property | Type | Mandatory | Description |
collection | Meteor.Collection | Yes | The data source to display/query from |
schema | SimpleSchema | Only if not using fields |
If you are using SimpleSchema |
fields | Array of Strings | Only if not using schema |
Visible fields names |
fieldNames | Object | No | Key is field, and value is the displayed title name. It will be used if set, otherwise if you provided a schema, it will get labels from SimpleSchema . And if not using SimpleSchema , it will default to fields. |
sort | Object | No | Key/value pairs of columns to be sorted |
limit | Integer | No (default: 5) | Limit output to this number of documents (by page). Must be > 0. |
page | Integer | No (default: 1) | Go to this page (if using pagination). Must be > 0. |
maxPages | Integer | No (default: 5) | When using pagination, set maximum displayable pages links. Must be >= 0 |
query | String or Object | No | Facet querying (see below) |
queryOpts | String | No (default: 'i') | When using query, will be used for RegExp options. E.g.: Use 'i' for insensitive match, 'g' for global, etc. |
config | Object | No | If you want to reuse your templates you might be interested in providing a configuration object, it is of no use for ReactiveTable and forwarded untouched to the template. |
From the Books example of Simple Schema:
collection: Books
schema: BookSchema
fields: ['title', 'copies'] # Only part of BookSchema keys
maxPages: 10
limit: 50
copies: -1
title: 1
options: ->
opts =
collection: Books
fields: ['title', 'copies']
schema: BookSchema
maxPages: 3
pagination: true
page = Session.get 'currentPage'
if page < 1 then page = 1 = page
opts.limit = Session.get 'maxByPage'
opts.query = Session.get 'query'
The most simple example:
<template name="tableLayout_unstyled">
<span>Got {{data.rows.length}} records</span>
{{#with header}}
{{#each columns}}
{{#with data}}
{{#each rows}}
{{#each values}}
{{name}} - {{value}}
Layout template has its own data context it can parse to its liking. You may or may not use all of these data:
context = {
// This is left untouched by ReactiveTable and is only needed if your
// template may need setup (useful when reusing templates)
config: {
pagination: true
// If you want to use table headers, this will probably be helperful!
header: {
columns: [
id: 'col_title',
title: 'Classy Title'
id: 'author',
title: 'Author'
id: 'summary',
title: 'Brief summary'
data: {
// Total number of records (filtered)
count: 12,
// First 'row id' of current page (starts at 1)
startIndex: 11,
// Last 'row id' to display endIndex - startIndex + 1 = rows.length
endIndex: 12,
// Page number (always > 0)
page: 2,
// Even if you do not use pagination, you will have an array of page(s)
// that will give active status and page number. E.g. if on page 2:
pages: [
active: false,
page: 1
active: true,
page: 2
// Maximum pages needed to display all (filtered) documents
totalPages: 2,
// At the moment it is an array of rows containing an array of values
rows: [
_id: "iA3x9gRnfigyMyDua",
rowIndex: 1,
values: [
name: 'col_title',
value: 'Classic Title 1'
name: 'author',
value: undefined
name: 'summary',
value: 'Summary 1'
_id: "ZPp4wn2ZdPYhjXhf4",
rowIndex: 2,
values: [
name: 'col_title',
value: 'Classic Title 2'
name: 'author',
value: 'Author'
name: 'summary',
value: undefined
Queries can be plain old Object and used 'as is' or can be of type String and have two syntaxes:
# key:value
# This will search 'value' for key and 'bar' for foo
query = 'key:value foo:bar'
# A somewhat FTS example, this will search in all visible columns using RegExp
query = 'myvalue'
# The following will only consider 'key:value' pair and not 'myvalue' in the search
query = 'myvalue key:value'
Tests, and more testing. Issues and PR are most welcomed !