
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/otkpp

Primary LanguageC++

OTK++ is a nonlinear constrained/unconstrained optimization library 
written in C++. It also has a Python-based interface for testing 
and comparing algorithms and a Qt-based GUI for demonstration 
purposes. Linear algebra operations and Python interfaces are 
written by using uBLAS and Boost.Python.

Implemented algorithms
The currently implemented algorithms are for minimization of 
functions of the form f:R^n->R. Some algorithms also support 
imposing bound constraints.

The following algorithms are implemented by the author of this package:
  Line search algorithms:
    * More and Thuente
    * Fletcher
  Trust region algorithms:
    * Steihaug
    * Dogleg
  Multidimensional solvers:
   Direct search:
    * Hooke-Jeeves
    * Nelder-Mead simplex
   Gradient-based (with line searches)
    * PARTAN
    * Fletcher-Reeves and Polak-Ribiere conjugate gradient
    * BFGS and L-BFGS
    * Modified Newton
   Gradient-based (using trust regions)
    * Steihaug-SR1
    * Dogleg-BFGS

Other algorithms included in this library:
  * Algorithms implemented in the GSL multimin package (version 1.11)
  * L-BFGS-B for bound-constrained large-scale optimization [3]
  * LMBM algorithm for nonsmooth large-scale optimization [4]


Required dependencies:
  uBLAS   >= 1.34
  g++     >= 4.2
  CMake   >= 2.6

Optional dependencies:
  Library/program   Version    CMake flag                 Enables
  GSL               >= 1.11    -DWITH_GSL=ON/OFF          GSL minimization algorithms
  GNU libmatheval   >= 1.1.3   -DWITH_LIBMATHEVAL=ON/OFF  symbolic function evaluation
  gfortran          >= 4.2     -DWITH_FORTRAN=ON/OFF      algorithms implemented in 
                                                          Fortran (e.g. LMBM)
  Qt                >= 4.3     -DWITH_QT=ON/OFF           Qt-based GUI
  Qwt               >= 5.1     -DWITH_QT=ON/OFF           2d plotting widgets
  QwtPlot3D         >= 0.2     -DWITH_QT=ON/OFF           3d plotting widgets

The above flags are set to 'ON' by default. 


Installing the C++ libraries:

OTK++ uses CMake as its build system. To install the C++ libraries, 
extract the otkpp tarball and type the following commands:

  cmake . <optional flags>   <- put your CMake flags here
  make install

By default, headers will be installed in /usr/local/include/otkpp, 
libraries in /usr/local/lib and binaries in /usr/local/bin. You can 
change the install prefix by appending -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your-prefix> 
to the list of CMake flags.

Installing PyOTK:

PyOTK uses distutils for compiling the C++ interface libraries and 
copying the Python scripts to appropriate directories in the system path. 
To install PyOTK, extract the pyotk tarball and type the following command:

  python setup.py install


The algorithms implemented in OTK++ are based on the following 

[1] J. Nocedal and S.J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, 1999

[2] C.T. Kelley, Iterative Methods for Optimization, 1999

[3] C. Zhu, R.H. Byrd and J. Nocedal, L-BFGS-B: Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B, 
    FORTRAN routines for large scale bound constrained optimization (1997), 
    ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 23, Num. 4, pp. 550-560

[4] N. Karmitsa,  "LMBM - FORTRAN Subroutines for Large-Scale Nonsmooth 
    Minimization: User's Manual", TUCS Technical Report, No. 856, Turku 
    Centre for Computer Science, Turku, 2007.

Seppo Pulkkinen <seppul@utu.fi>