You're in charge of a spaceship! Defend against oncoming Androids - do not let them pass!
- Tap to fire rockets at your enemies
- Move your phone (left-to-right, vice versa) to move your spaceship to ensure that the Androids are in your line of fire
- If three Androids get through, it's Game Over!
- Add spaceship
- Add androids
- Add rockets
- Control spawning of androids in a better fashion
- Implement collision with androids and rockets
- Implement x-axis movement using accelerometer
- Create start page*
- Implement scoring
- Implement Game Over scenario and screen
- !BONUS: Add new weapon
- !BONUS: Add variation in Android power/behaviour
- !BONUS: Add better animation on collision
- Handle calls to the app delegate
- Move spaceship and monster to own class
- Create App Icon
- Add timer when game start (3 - 5 sec)
- Add pause screen
- Account for screen resolutions
*: Feature is implemented in a basic form, requires polish before first release.