NSQ demo repo to try out messaging with NSQ & Go

Run NSQ with Docker Compose

Start NSQ (the patterns below will integrate with this cluster)

docker-compose -f docker-compose-nsq.yml up

Browse to the admin UI: http://localhost:4171/


build a docker container with our consumer app in it

docker build -t nsq-consumer -f Dockerfile-consumer .


Start the docker compose example with 2 subscribers to the foo channel

docker-compose -f docker-compose-worker.yml up

Publish a few messages:

go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic email -message "hello world"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic email -message "hello world"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic email -message "hello world"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic email -message "hello world"

Each message gets processed by one or the other consumer, but is only received once.

Pub Sub

Start the docker compose example with 2 subscribers to the foo channel, and 2 to the bar channel

docker-compose -f docker-compose-pub-sub.yml up

Publish a few messages:

go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic orders_placed -message "order 123"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic orders_placed -message "order 124"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic orders_placed -message "order 125"
go run cmd/producer/producer.go -topic orders_placed -message "order 126"

Each channel gets its own copy of each message, but is only delivered to one consumer for each channel