Dynamic Range Expansion (DREX)


  • Ensure g++ and make are installed. Our experimental platform is equipped with Ubuntu 18.04, g++ 7.5.0 and make 4.1.
  • Ensure the necessary library libpcap is installed.
    • It can be installed in most Linux distributions (e.g., apt-get install libpcap-dev in Ubuntu).
  • Prepare the pcap files.
    • We provide two small pcap files here. You can download and put them in the "traces" folder for testing.
    • Specify the path of each pcap file in "iptraces.txt".


  • Compile examples with make
    $ make main


  • Run the examples, and the program will output some statistics about the accuracy.
$ ./main $memory (in bits)$
  • Note that you can change the configuration of DREX, e.g. the value of q in the example source code for testing.