- 0
- 1
Missing configuration file may break CLI
#38 opened by FrankNagel - 1
- 0
Publish official public Docker image
#57 opened by pataquets - 1
How does one get the cohen3 command in path?
#55 opened by richstokes - 3
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Update version in PyPi to 0.9.1
#15 opened by palfrey - 3
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'clock'
#16 opened by KenMacD - 0
Incomplete sphinx documentation for the project
#12 opened by opacam - 1
Detected pep8 E402
#8 opened by opacam - 0
Youtube Storage not working
#11 opened by opacam - 0
Travis test fails due to pycodestyle error W504
#10 opened by opacam - 0
Detected pep8 E501 errors
#5 opened by opacam - 0
Detected pep8 E303 errors
#4 opened by opacam - 0
Detected pep8 E122 errors
#3 opened by opacam - 0
- 0