
Prefix providers and links to their privacy policies

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A JSON list of podcast prefix companies

If you have the URL of a podcast's audio file, this JSON file will help you work out whether there is a podcast prefix company being used for analytics, and be able to link to their privacy policy

Contributing to the list

For now, the simplest way is to add to the file at src/prefixes.json. Each podcast host may have multiple entries, but the URL patterns should be unique.

Each entry must contain the following properties:

  • prefixpattern: a unique string to spot within the audio URL. It may not always be first, when companies chain URLs.

  • prefixname: a humanly-readable name of the prefix company

  • iab: a boolean showing whether stats from this prefix company are certified IAB v2 compliant

  • abilities_stats: a boolean showing whether this prefix company uses its logs to provide stats

  • abilities_tracking: a boolean showing whether this prefix company uses its logs to provide tracking and attribution

  • abilities_dynamicaudio: a boolean showing whether this prefix company is capable of dynamic content insertion, used for advertising or content.

  • prefixurl: a website link (escaped) that links to the homepage of the podcast prefix company.

  • prefixprivacyurl: a website link (escaped) that links to the privacy policy of the podcast prefix company.

  • notes: freeform detail about how the 'tracking' and 'dynamicaudio' values were decided upon.

Code sample

Podnews uses this:

$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM `podcasts-prefixes` WHERE INSTR(:url,prefixpattern)"); $stmt->execute(array(':url'=>$podcast['audiourl'])); $prefixes = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Of note: some podcasts are measured by multiple prefix providers.

Improvements are welcome.