MUS 305 Final Project: Live Disklavier Octave Repitch

This python program live repitches a Disklavier or MIDI device that also produces audio.

How to use

  • Install the required libraries: musx, rtmidi, pyaudio, numpy
  • Change the line of code that sets the midi device.
  • Make sure MIDI Device is plugged in and that you set your computer's setting to the desired sound input.
  • Start the program and enjoy!

Future ideas / implementations:

  • Currently the effect is monophonic, meaning one audio stream is repitched at a time. A future implementation might create multiple streams of repitched audio to produce a more layered effect.
  • Ability to change the repitching amount would be desired. Currently, the program only repitches down an octave, but it would be cool to change this amount.
  • Ability to dry/wet mix between the incoming audio and the repitched audio.