
大學的第一學期結束,想再次練習這學期中所學到的知識。I want to practice the C language in the winter vacation

Primary LanguageC

🌀 製作目的(Purpose)

大學的第一學期終於結束了,我的初體驗是:新鮮、有趣。課程不再那麼死板,能活用的機會變多。在這其中,我所主修的 程式設計(一) 就有許多的新知識讓我去學習。想在這寒假期間,把我新學的 C 語言 再複習一次,讓自己維持熟練度。

The first semester of university is finally over, and my first experience is: fresh and interesting. The curriculum is no longer so rigid, and there are more opportunities to use it flexibly. Among them, the Programming (1) I majored in has many new knowledge for me to learn. I want to review my newly learned C language again during this winter vacation so that I can maintain my proficiency.

📙 題目區域(Programing Questions)



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