
A demo Webhook receiver for AlertManager, with instructions for the configuration in Openshift

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Demo Webhook Receiver for AlertManager in OpenShift


  • Run a simple webhook receiver which outputs the alerts received to the log output
  • Configure a custom Alert in Prometheus
  • Configure a new receiver in AlertManager to handle the alert and send it to a webhook

Run a webhook receiver

$ oc apply -f kubernetes_manifests/webhook-deployment.yaml
deployment.apps/my-webhook created
service/my-webhook created

This runs the webhook receiver in Openshift.

Explanations / details

The code is in webhook-receiver.go. It's a simple webserver exposing an endpoint /webhook and listening on port 8080.

It leverages the AlertManager's template module. More precisely, the Data struct can be used to parse the alerts.

The webhook simply outputs information about the alerts to stdout every time a POST request is received.

You can edit the code and build your own image by adapting the following commands:

$ export QUAY_USERNAME="username"
$ docker build quay.io/$QUAY_USERNAME/my-demo-webhook:0.0.1
$ docker push quay.io/$QUAY_USERNAME=/my-demo-webhook:0.0.1
$ sed -e "s/quay.io\/mgoerens\/demo-webhook-receiver-alertmanager.*$/quay.io\/$QUAY_USERNAME\/my-demo-webhook:0.0.1/g" kubernetes_manifests/webhook-deployment.yaml 

Configuration of Prometheus and AlertManager in OpenShift


$ oc version
Client Version: 4.8.2
Server Version: 4.8.0-fc.6
Kubernetes Version: v1.21.0-rc.0+fc33082
$ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get pod
No resources found in openshift-user-workload-monitoring namespace.
$ oc -n openshift-monitoring apply -f kubernetes_manifests/cluster-monitoring-config.yaml 
configmap/cluster-monitoring-config created
$ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get pod
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
prometheus-operator-6b56db9975-zbpf8   2/2     Running   0          12s
prometheus-user-workload-0             5/5     Running   1          9s
prometheus-user-workload-1             5/5     Running   1          9s
thanos-ruler-user-workload-0           3/3     Running   0          5s
thanos-ruler-user-workload-1           3/3     Running   0          5s

Add a custom Prometheus Alert

$ oc apply -f kubernetes_manifests/prometheus-rule.yaml
prometheusrule.monitoring.coreos.com/example-alert created

The alert is now visible in the OpenShift console under "Monitoring/Alerting" in the "AlertRules" tab. Clear all filters, then filter per "Source/User". Their should be only 1 alert rule called ExampleAlert in Firing state.

In the "Alerts" tab, the ExampleAlert should also appear as it's in Firing state.

Add a custom Receiver

Get the Cluster IP of the webhook service:

$ oc get svc my-webhook
NAME         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
my-webhook   NodePort   <none>        8080:31635/TCP   2d16h

In the OpenShift console, under "Administration/Cluster Settings", in the "Global Configuration" tab, click "AlertManager" then "Create Receiver":


Observe Result

$ export POD_NAME=`oc get po | awk '$1 ~ /my-webhook-/ {print $1}'`
$ oc logs -f $POD_NAME
2021/08/06 16:09:26 listening on: :8080

For debugging purposed, one can speed up the frequency of alerts being sent with the Repeat Interval and Group Interval in the AlertManager config:



The Webhook doesn't receive alerts

By default, only the first receiver matching the alert's labels is sending the alert. Check the Receivers configuration, and espcially make sure there are no other Receiver already catching the alert.

Every alert enters the routing tree at the configured top-level route, which
must match all alerts (i.e. not have any configured matchers). It then
traverses the child nodes. If continue is set to false, it stops after the
first matching child. If continue is true on a matching node, the alert will
continue matching against subsequent siblings. If an alert does not match any
children of a node (no matching child nodes, or none exist), the alert is
handled based on the configuration parameters of the current node.

See https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/latest/configuration/#route

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