
npm package of open peeps

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Example image

npm license


This is an npm package for Open Peeps, a collection of hand-drawn illustrations. You can use Open Peeps in product illustration, marketing imagery, comics, product states, user flows, personas, storyboarding, invitations for your quinceañera...or anything else you want!

Try it

You can test and experience the library by using the official builder. Explore various options, customize characters, and see all the features in action for more details and a hands-on experience with the components.


To install this package, run the following command:

npm install @opeepsfun/open-peeps


Here's a simple example to get you started:

import { Effigy } from "@opeepsfun/open-peeps";

const bodyDetails = {
    type: "SomeBodyType",
    options: {
        /*...some options...*/

const headDetails = {
    type: "SomeHeadType",
    options: {
        /*...some options...*/

const faceDetails = {
    type: "SomeFaceType",
    options: {
        /*...some options...*/

<Effigy body={bodyDetails} head={headDetails} face={faceDetails} />;

In this example, type is a string representing the type of piece you want to create (for example, "Explaining" for body type), and options is an object containing key-value pairs that represent the options for that piece. The keys and available options depend on the type of the piece.


  1. Composable:
    • The Effigy component allows you to compose different pieces together to create a character. Each piece is defined by a type and a set of options.
  2. Customizable:
    • Each piece can be customized using the options prop to define different characteristics, styles, or properties depending on the piece type.
  3. Optional Pieces:
    • Pieces like beard, mask, and accessory are optional, allowing for the creation of diverse characters.
  4. Transformations:
    • The Effigy component handles various transformations to position and scale the different pieces together harmoniously. There will be Sitting and Standing components too. Coming soon!
  5. Dynamic Importing:
    • The component dynamically imports the necessary elements based on the type provided, making it versatile and optimized.

Components and Props

Here are the details of the props that the Effigy component accepts:

  • body: Required. Represents the body of the character.
  • head: Required. Represents the head or hair of the character.
  • face: Required. Represents the face of the character.
  • beard: Optional. Represents the beard of the character if any.
  • mask: Optional. Represents the mask of the character if any.
  • accessory: Optional. Represents any accessory of the character if any.
  • style: Optional. Accepts a React.CSSProperties object to apply styles to the SVG element.

Each of the piece props (like body, head, etc.) should be an object containing:

  • type: String. Specifies the type of the piece.
  • options: Object. Specifies additional options and properties for the piece.

Example Types and Options

Here are some example type and options you can use for different pieces:

const bodyDetails = {
    type: "Explaining",
    options: { color: "blue" }

const headDetails = {
    type: "Bald",
    options: { color: "brown" }

const faceDetails = {
    type: "Smiling",
    options: { eyeColor: "green" }

const beardDetails = {
    type: "FullMedium",
    options: { color: "black" }

const accessoryDetails = {
    type: "Eyepatch",
    options: { color: "black" }

<Effigy body={bodyDetails} head={headDetails} face={faceDetails} beard={beardDetails} accessory={accessoryDetails} />;

These are just example types and options; refer to the component documentation or source code for the full list of available types and options for each piece.


To build the project, run:

npm run build


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


