
Some Space Engineers Fixes

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Cosmic Wine Fixes

Formerly SE Clipboard Fix

Notes about template modifications

  • I converted the csproj files to the new SDK-style csproj, so you can build it with the new .NET SDK
  • I removed the dedicated and torch plugins, because they are not needed

Find my upgraded template here: opekope2/PluginTemplate

How to build (Windows) (not tested)

  • Install .NET SDK
  • Open Setup-links.bat and edit SE Bin64 path
  • Run Setup-links.bat
  • To build from command line, run dotnet build

(Your IDE should be able to build the solution)

How to build (GNU+Linux)

  • Install .NET SDK
  • Symlink SE's Bin64 folder to project root (ln -s /path/to/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/SpaceEngineers/Bin64 Bin64)
  • Run dotnet build

How to install

  1. Install Plugin Loader
  2. Inable CosmicWineFixes in the Plugins menu
  3. Restart the game when prompted
  4. Configure fixes/modifications from Plugins menu

The clipboard issue

Fix enabled by default

This code in SE is causing the issue:

public static void SetClipboard(string text)
    Thread thread = new Thread(delegate(object arg)
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            catch (ExternalException)

When you press Ctrl+C for the second time, the game starts a new thread, which causes the clipboard OLE API to fail for some reason (.NET Framework loops internally). The exception will be thrown 10 times, causing the game to freeze for 10 seconds (.NET Framework delays 10x100ms)

For the conversation about how I found it, see Keen's discord

How it is fixed

This plugin creates a thread with the same configuration when it gets loaded the thread will run till the game exits. This new thread accepts commands from a queue and executes them. The original method in the game does not get called.

Open log from crash screen

Disabled by default

The error shown in a dialog box:

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at VRage.Platform.Windows.Forms.MyMessageBoxCrashForm.linklblLog_LinkClicked(Object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)

This is because SE opens the log file with Start(logFile), and not Start("notepad.exe", logFile) and wine cannot execute a .log file. I wonder why Windows can open it in a notepad.

How it is fixed

Unfortunately, this can't be patched easily, because SE restarts itself after a crash just to show this dialog box and does not load plugins.

If enabled, the plugin opens the log file in notepad.exe automatically just before the game exits. This is the simplest solution. I haven't found an easy way to open a Linux text editor, and there are many, and they need to be detected. Windows/Wine notepad "just works".

Exit to Linux

Disabled by default

If enabled, replaces Exit to Windows with Exit to Linux in the main menu (and also, in InGameExit mod). This works only in English. In other languages, the text will not be replaced. It is planned to extract this text from all languages, feel free to help.