
Experimental effort to make Space Engineers run on native Linux with .NET 6.

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What is this?

Experiments to run Space Engineers on .NET 6 on native Linux.

You are probably looking for the Wine/Windows branch, which enables Space Engineers via the Loader to be run on Wine and/or Windows. This is yet to be tested.

How to set up

  1. I recommend using JetBrains Rider. Vscode works, too, but you don't have a decompiler and IL viewer. VS not tested.
  2. Install .NET 6 (not .NET Core, not .NET 5, and not .NET 7)
  3. Install the latest Mono
  4. Install zenity
  5. Open RuntimePatches/RuntimePatches.csproj and edit the path to the game assemblies (/path/to/...)
  6. Copy compatibilitytool.vdf to steam compatibility tools folder (you can rename it) (~/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/ or something, you can search for that if doesn't work)
  7. Open that file, and edit install_path to the root of this repo.
  8. Download Steam SDK and extract sdk/redistributable_bin/libsteam_api.so into bin/Debug/Native
  9. Download DXVK Native and extract all .so files from it into bin/Debug/Native (or bin/Release/Native. The native folder must be in the parent folder of the Loader binary, see Loader/Program.cs. Same applies for libsteam_api.so)
  10. Open Steam > Library > Space Engineers > Properties > Compatibility and set it to .NET 6 (or whatever it is in compatibilitytool.vdf)
  11. Open project in your favorite IDE/text editor
  12. Build the Loader from your IDE/text editor or command line (dotnet build Loader at the repo root)
  13. Start Space Engineers
  14. In your IDE/text editor, attach to the displayed process ID
  15. Click OK. Now the game lauches.

Logs are at ~/.config/SpaceEngineers

What is the furthest point the game runs?

I saw the splash screen at some point, but not anymore. Probably after skipping DXVK Native initialization (the game showed an error soon after).

   at SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter.GetDescription(AdapterDescription& descRef)
   at SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter.get_Description()
   at VRage.Platform.Windows.Render.MyPlatformRender.GetReadableAdapterDesc(Adapter adapter)
   at VRage.Platform.Windows.Render.MyPlatformRender.CreateAdaptersList()
   at VRage.Platform.Windows.Render.MyPlatformRender.GetAdaptersList()
   at VRage.Platform.Windows.Render.MyWindowsRender.GetRenderAdapterList()
   at VRageRender.MyRender11.GetAdaptersList()
   at VRageRender.MyDX11Render.get_IsSupported()
   at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.InitializeRender()
   at SpaceEngineers.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
   at Program.<Main>$(String[] args)

GetDescription cannot be decompiled, all decompilers I tried spit out weird stuff, so let's read MSIL.

    IL_000f: ldarg.0      // this
    IL_0010: ldfld        void* [SharpDX]SharpDX.CppObject::_nativePointer
    IL_0015: ldloca.s     ref
    IL_0017: conv.u
    IL_0018: ldarg.0      // this
    IL_0019: ldfld        void* [SharpDX]SharpDX.CppObject::_nativePointer
    IL_001e: ldind.i
    IL_001f: ldc.i4.8
    IL_0020: conv.i
    IL_0021: sizeof       void*
    IL_0027: mul
    IL_0028: add
    IL_0029: ldind.i
    IL_002a: calli        int32 (void*, void*)
    IL_002f: call         valuetype [SharpDX]SharpDX.Result [SharpDX]SharpDX.Result::op_Implicit(int32)
    IL_0034: stloc.1      // result

When I F11 into this, the code goes to MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.Platforms.DetourRuntimeNET60Platform.CompileMethodHook method.

After this, the code goes to SharpDX.DXGI.AdapterDescription.__MarshalFrom, and the stack is corrupted:

   at SharpDX.DXGI.AdapterDescription.__MarshalFrom(__Native& ref)
   at SharpDX.DXGI.Adapter.GetDescription(AdapterDescription& descRef)

This is the entire stack trace. this seems to be garbage (Could not dereference a value. A reference value was found to be bad during dereferencing. (0x80131305). The error code is CORDBG_E_BAD_REFERENCE_VALUE, or0x80131305) and shortly after, the game crashes.