- 1
Plots not displaying in the pkgdown website
#154 opened by padpadpadpad - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Consider adding decision rules to fit beta_binomial and negativebinomial to overdispersed binomial and poisson data automatically
#149 opened by beckyfisher - 1
Check all functions work with cmdstanr backend
#135 opened by beckyfisher - 0
add native beta_binomial family
#140 opened by beckyfisher - 1
- 0
Function get priors
#141 opened by beckyfisher - 1
Support for `rate` aterm would be really useful for Poisson and Negbinom families
#136 opened by jsture - 0
Add NEC models from drc
#139 opened by beckyfisher - 0
provide information on failed models
#133 opened by beckyfisher - 0
Model set excluidng necsigm
#92 opened by beckyfisher - 1
Added new model set 'hormesis'
#94 opened by beckyfisher - 0
Summary returning wrong Data name
#106 opened by dbarneche - 1
Add method to extract brms object
#108 opened by beckyfisher - 1
- 0
Proof read man pages.
#110 opened by beckyfisher - 0
Strip _Intercept frm summary output
#111 opened by beckyfisher - 0
investigate how to combine help files into one
#114 opened by dbarneche - 0
Should we allow merging of bnec-generated objects with different x/y transformations?
#118 opened by dbarneche - 0
- 0
Replace `all_models` argument in new `predict`, `plot` and `autoplot` methods for `bayesmanecfit` objects
#120 opened by dbarneche - 1
validate_priors code logic
#121 opened by beckyfisher - 1
Thorough check of functions dependencies
#123 opened by dbarneche - 0
Consider replacing `%>%` for new native `|>`
#124 opened by dbarneche - 1
test-nsec.R unexpected original code
#125 opened by dbarneche - 1
- 0
- 0
Provide examples for `bnec_newdata`
#130 opened by dbarneche - 0
Add examples to all exported methods/generics
#131 opened by dbarneche - 0
Reorganise functions
#132 opened by dbarneche - 1
Add seed to all model calls in vignettes
#107 opened by dbarneche - 1
- 1
- 0
Is `force_x` truly needed in plot?
#115 opened by dbarneche - 1
Implement new tests for predict et al. methods
#126 opened by dbarneche - 1
- 0
c(mod, mod) returning error
#105 opened by dbarneche - 2
- 1
Add axis label to check_chains()
#112 opened by beckyfisher - 1
- 1
- 3
Issues with next version of ggplot2
#102 opened by thomasp85 - 0
ecx_incline model set for drug discovery
#95 opened by jsture - 2
- 0
- 2
Update check_data resp_check to use quantiles
#89 opened by beckyfisher - 0
CRAN test failures on Linux and Windows
#90 opened by dbarneche - 0
Poisson model produces error
#85 opened by beckyfisher