
OpenFaaS example implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ABAP implementation of Fibonacci via OpenFaas

This repo contains an OpenFaaS function to calculate Fibonacci numbers - in ABAP.

How to deploy it

This repo contains the template definition of the open-abap template. Therefore, the only thing you need to do in order to deploy it locally:

faas-cli up --image <docker-username/abap-fibonacci>

Updating the template

ABAP as OpenFaaS function is still in early alpha - to say the least. Thus, the template is also in constant change. In order to update the template, execute the following command from the project directory:

faas-cli template pull https://github.com/open-abap/openfaas-abap-template --overwrite

Building for PI

With Docker-for-Mac, you can set up a builder in order to create images for the ARM platform:

docker buildx build -t <docker-username>/abap-fibonacci:latest --platform linux/amd64,linux/armhf --push .