
For providing multiple contact points for an organization, or for providing the available languages of a contact point. For example, it may be used to provide a contact point for each language.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Additional Contact Points and Contact Point Languages

There are some cases where it is important to list multiple contact points for an organization, particularly in cases where each contact point deals with enquiries in particular languages only.

This extension adds an array of additionalContactPoints to the Organization object, and introduces an availableLanguage array of language codes to ContactPoint.

When this extension is used, publishers should include a primary contact point for the contactPoint object, on the basis that many applications will not be aware of the additionalContactPoints array. However, if a primary contact point can't be determined, all contact points may be disclosed in the additionalContactPoints array.


  "parties": [
      "id": "GB-LAC-E09000003",
      "roles": [
      "identifier": {
        "scheme": "GB-LAC",
        "id": "E09000003",
        "legalName": "AnyTown Council"
      "name": "AnyTown Council",
      "address": {
        "streetAddress": "4, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Rd S",
        "locality": "London",
        "region": "London",
        "postalCode": "N11 1NP",
        "countryName": "United Kingdom"
      "contactPoint": {
        "name": "Procurement Team",
        "email": "procurement-team@example.com",
        "telephone": "01234 345 346",
        "availableLanguage": [
      "additionalContactPoints": [
          "name": "Procurement Team (International Enquiries)",
          "email": "procurement-team-international@example.com",
          "telephone": "01234 345 346 Extension 123",
          "availableLanguage": [
          "address": {
            "streetAddress": "5, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Rd S",
            "locality": "London",
            "region": "London",
            "postalCode": "N11 1NP",
            "countryName": "United Kingdom"

Modelling notes

availableLanguage is singular, although it is an array, to align with Schema.org.


Report issues for this extension in the ocds-extensions repository, putting the extension's name in the issue's title.



  • Add ContactPoint.address field.


  • Review normative and non-normative words


  • Add minProperties, minItems and/or minLength properties.


  • Set "uniqueItems": true on array fields.


  • Set wholeListMerge on Organization.additionalContactPoints
  • Clarify use of language codes on ContactPoint.availableLanguage