
Drupal module for integrating datasets with CKAN

Primary LanguagePHP


This Drupal 7 module is used to link nodes in Drupal 7 to CKAN packages.

When a package (also known as a dataset) is updated or inserted into CKAN, a CKAN extension will update a simple database table in Drupal called "od_package".

When Drupal users want to comment or perform other social interactive functions with the package, they should look for a node at "/dataset/". This module will search for a matching node and return it. If the node does not yet exist, the module will automatically create one based on the package information stored in the table "od_package". If the user attempts to go to a dataset that does not exist in "od_package" they will be informed that the dataset does not exist.

If a new node is created, then the user is redirected to the correct node.