
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Magento2, End to End testing, Functional Testing

Magento 2 Functional Testing

Frontend tests on Magento 2 with Cypress


The tests located in the cypress/integration directory work with Magento2 luma template.


Install Node.js

sudo apt install nodejs

Install Cypress

npm install cypress -save-dev    

(--save-dev to recreate the json if you have it you don't need it.)

If you are runing the tests in Win 10 remember to add the node System variable at Environment Variables: NODE_HOME path to node.js

Optional but cool install npx to execute npm packages where ever they are in your system.

npm install -g npx

How to run the tests

Run all the tests with the command below:

npx cypress open

The first time cypress it is open it creates the cypress directory structure with needed sections sample tests and cypress.json file.

Folder structure after open cypress for the first time.

Inspecting the electron application

An electron application will open showing all the tests holding in the cypress/integration folder.

Electron application.

Using chanccejs to addd random data to your tests.

Install chancejs

npm install chance

Example of how to use chance in your code

import Chance from 'Chance';
const chance = new Chance();
describe('Testing chance', function (){
   const company =chance.company();
   it('type company in duckduckgo.com', function () {

To see all chance possible methods https://chancejs.com/

Snapshots plugin: visual testing, comparing images.

Install snapshots plugin

npm i cypress-plugin-snapshots -S

Add to the cypress.json configuration file the following:

  "env": {
    "cypress-plugin-snapshots": {
      "imageConfig": {
        "threshold": 0.01
  "ignoreTestFiles": [

Add the plugin configuration to plugins/index.js

const { initPlugin } = require('cypress-plugin-snapshots/plugin');
module.exports = (on, config) => {
  initPlugin(on, config);
  return config;

Add the import to the support/index.js

import 'cypress-plugin-snapshots/commands';

Use it in your test

 it('should test snapshot', () => {
        cy.contains('h1', 'Tired of ').then( theSearch => {