VMChecker Next UI


apt-get update -yqq
apt-get install -yqq python3-pip

pip3 install pipenv

Run a deployment stack (backend included)

  1. Replace the variables inside etc/.env.compose-full with the correct values
  2. Deploy using docker compose and the etc/compose-full.yml configuration
docker compose -f etc/compose-full.yml --env-file etc/.env.compose-full -p ui up

Enable LDAP authentication support

  1. Inside etc/.env.compose-full uncomment the following variables LDAP_SERVER_URI, LDAP_USER_TREE and LDAP_USER_FILTER
  2. Set their values appropriately:
    • LDAP_SERVER_URI - the LDAP server URI
    • LDAP_USER_TREE - the subtree where the users reside
    • LDAP_USER_FILTER - a user's unique identifier (if the primary key is uid then the variable must be set to (uid=%(user)s))

NOTE: By default the LDAP support is not activated

By default a user admin (password: admin) will be created along with a dummy assignment. You can visit the website by going to http://localhost:7000/.

To change the assignment go to http://localhost:7000/admin/ and log in as the admin. Next by clicking the assignments tab and then choosing one of the results you can edit that assignment.

Run the UI securely using https

  1. Replace the variables inside etc/.env.compose-nginx with the correct values
  2. Place the certificate (*.key and *.pem files) inside etc/cert/. They must be saved as certificate.pem
  3. Deploy using docker compose the the compose-nginx.yml configuration
docker compose -f etc/compose-nginx.yml --env-file etc/.env.compose-nginx -p nginx-ui up

Run a development stack


pipenv run {docker-compose-dev|docker-compose-prod} up

If you have an existing vmck backend point the VMCK_BACKEND_URL variable in the correspoding development or production environment file found in ./etc to the correct URL. If not follow this quick setup.

To create a dummy assignment and an admin account (user: admin, password: admin) run:

pipenv run docker-compose-fill-data

To properly set up the assignment:

  1. Go to http://localhost:7000/admin.
  2. Login with the admin account
  3. Select the Assignemnts tab on the left side
  4. Click on ShortName
  5. Update the gitlab private token and the project id.