
OES is a WordPress plugin. It is a standardized web-based open source platform for building and maintaining scientific online encyclopedias, publicly available, free of charge on the internet and accessible worldwide.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Open Encyclopedia System

Tags: publishing, encyclopedia Requires at least: 5.9 Tested up to: 6.4.2 Requires PHP: 7.4, 8.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Building and maintaining online encyclopedias.


The Open Encyclopedia System (OES) is a modular and configurable software for creating, publishing and maintaining online encyclopedias in the humanities and social sciences that are accessible worldwide via Open Access. OES adds a web-based open source software for article-based publication formats to already available options for electronic publishing and thus closes existing gaps in the Open Access publishing landscape.

The development of the Open Encyclopedia System Software was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2016-2020 as part of the project From 1914-1918-online to the Open Encyclopedia System (see GEPRIS entry). For more information about the project and existing OES applications please visit our website.


  • Publish citable articles
  • Set up version control for published articles
  • Edit and administer relations between entities
  • Use linked open data APIs to GND
  • Manage user, posts, entities, access rights and role models
  • Use the OES configuration interface to change the display of the published articles



An OES application consists of a OES Core plugin, an additional OES project plugin which implements the OES features for the application and an optional OES theme.

OES depends on the WordPress plugin ACF: Advanced Custom Fields, version 6.2.4, URL: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/.


  1. Download the OES plugin from gitHub and add it to your WordPress plugin directory.
  2. Download and activate the dependencies.
  3. Activate the OES plugin.
  4. Create your OES project plugin or download, activate and initialize the OES Demo plugin (follow the installation instructions in the OES Demo plugin).
  5. (Optional) Download and activate an OES theme.


This repository is not suitable for support. Support is currently provided via our email help desk info@open-encyclopedia-system.org. We answer questions related to the OES plugin and its usage. For further information about online encyclopaedias and possible customization please visit our website.

Documentation (Coming Soon)

We are working on a detailed user manual and a technical function reference. Support is currently provided via our email help desk info@open-encyclopedia-system.org. We answer questions related to the OES plugin and its usage.

Demo Version

You can experience the frontend and editorial layer of an exemplary application. This application includes a basic online encyclopedia and a WordPress theme. Download the OES Demo plugin and the OES theme from github (https://github.com/open-encyclopedia-system/). Activate plugin and theme and start creating content or import demo data.


If you want to contribute to OES please contact the help desk info@open-encyclopedia-system.org.


Copyright (C) 2023 Freie Universität Berlin, Center für Digitale Systeme an der Universitätsbibliothek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.



  • fix - classic language switch on search page
  • fix - save schema options


  • change - data model, default for "editorial_tab" is false
  • fix - cookie behaviour
  • fix - index archive page without filter
  • fix - sorting in metadata
  • fix - LOD copy behaviour
  • fix - import tool
  • fix - taxonomy archive, alphabet filter
  • fix - save media language label config
  • fix - figure table language dependent labels
  • fix - use alternatives for IntDateFormatter if intl is not included
  • improve - factory processing for language dependent fields
  • improve - post sorting in frontend
  • improve - sort search results after post type is optional


  • new - OES Factory
  • new - OES template blocks and styles
  • new - OES popup editor tool
  • move - "Data Model" from "OES Settings" to "OES Tools"
  • move - oesApplyFilter => oesFilter.apply
  • move - $oes_frontpage replace by $oes_post->is_frontpage
  • move - ACF field option "date_format" is replaced by global format parameter in OES settings
  • remove - Post Type Arguments (like "edit screen"), ACF has now configuration option. Change your data model with the OES Factory or model.json.
  • remove - OES()->main_language, oes_nav_language. Main language is always "language0"
  • remove - $oes_redirect_archive, use action hook "template_redirect" instead
  • remove - \OES\Admin\get_block_data, use $block instead
  • move - tools "Delete", "Update", "Cache" => OES Legacy (Module) Plugin
  • move - \OES\get_post_dtm_parts_from_array => OES Legacy (Module) Plugin, use \OES\Formula\calculate_value instead
  • move - media blocks: include OES Module "Media" if you want to use legacy blocks 'Panel', 'Image Panel', 'Gallery Panel'.