
Web-based crowdsourcing application for reporting city defects such as road potholes, traffic lights failure etc.

The project was designed and developed for the course Programming and Systems in the World Wide Web, CEID.

The development of the application was made using: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, AJAX, XML and Google Maps API.

Users' categories

There are three categories of users:

  • Visitors who are able to:
    • view the latest reports and some statistics about them.
    • register on the site.
  • Registered users who have the ability to:
    • make a new report.
    • modify their registration data.
  • Administrators who are allowed to:
    • create or delete categories.
    • manage users and their data.
    • access reports' tables (by category/status/user).
    • change a report's status (pending/fixed/deleted).

Additional features

  • direct access of mobile's camera.
  • retrieve the device's location (when someone is making a new report).
  • responsive design.
  • RSS feed.

Screenshots of the application

Main page, user's login page and user's registration page::

Categories and user's tables:

Mobile usage:

Retrieved device's location while making a new report: