Roadmap of MMRotate
zytx121 opened this issue · 26 comments
We keep this issue open to collect feature requests from users and hear your voice. Our monthly release plan is also available here.
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We also released our TODO list on the project page. Most of the TODO items are described in their corresponding issues (those labeled by Dev-RD) with detailed requirement documentation. Feel free to leave a message in the issue of any item and create a PR if you are interested in any of the item.
I am down to help!
Is there any plan for Rotated IoU Loss or Poly IoU Loss, it can easily improve detector performance. But both of them need cuda ops, i can help with python code, but I don't know much about cuda code. =.=
Any plan for applying oriented bbox to instance segmentation?
can you also make the mmrotate implementation of PIoU loss ?
Will you add anchor-free model in furture? Maybe a few month later?
is an anchor free detector.
Yes, we will. FCOS is on the way, done by @liuyanyi
You also can use the FCOS-OBB in OBBDetection instead.
@zytx121 @yangxue0827 Could you please add Darknet53 as backbone (from YOLOv4) and YOLO as detector?
Pls add Masks in MMRotate
Please support onnx/trt export.
directly or with mmdeploy (prefered)
Please support onnx/trt export. directly or with mmdeploy (prefered)
I noticed it stated as supported in the paper - really confusing:
Is there a plan to add 2022 CVPR “Oriented RepPoints for Aerial Object Detection”?
When will "aug_test" be added?
+1 for onnx conversion
'OrientedRepPointsHead is already registered in models,情况该如何解决啊
Hi, I was wondering if there is any releases planned? There haven't been major updates for a while, and just curious if you guys are still actively developing
Hi, can we have yolov8 for Oriented Object Detection ?
Hi, can we have yolov8 for Oriented Object Detection ?