
Model: make model fails and succeeds after retry

Closed this issue · 3 comments

bash-4.1$ make model
[HW PROJECT..........] start 16:05:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CONFIG ACTION HW....] start 16:05:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CONFIG ACTION HW....] done  16:05:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
== SNAP ENVIRONMENT SETUP                            ==
Path to vivado          is set to: /afs/bb/proj/fpga/xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/vivado
Vivado version          is set to: Vivado v2017.4.1 (64-bit)
=====Checking path to PSL design checkpoint============
PSL_DCP                 is set to: "/afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp"
=====Simulation setup: Setting up PSLSE version==========
Setting PSLVER                 to: "8"
=====Simulation setup: Checking path to PSLSE==========
PSLSE_ROOT              is set to: "/afs/bb/u/haver/framework/pslse"
=====ACTION ROOT setup=================================
Setting ACTION_ROOT            to: "${SNAP_ROOT}/actions/hdl_example"
=====Timing limit for FPGA image build in ps============
TIMING_LABLIMIT         is set to: "-200"

=====Content of
export ACTION_ROOT=${SNAP_ROOT}/actions/hdl_example
export PSLVER=8
export SNAP_ROOT=${HOME}/framework/snap
export PSL_DCP=/afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp
export PSLSE_ROOT=${HOME}/framework/pslse
export TIMING_LABLIMIT="-200"

                        hardware/Makefile called with:
                        ACTION_ROOT     = /afs/bb/u/haver/framework/snap/actions/hdl_example
                        PSL_DCP         = /afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp
                        FPGACARD        = N250S
                        FPGACHIP        = xcku060-ffva1156-2-e
                        NUM_OF_ACTIONS  = 1
                        HLS_SUPPORT     = FALSE
                        BRAM_USED       = TRUE
                        SDRAM_USED      = FALSE
                        NVME_USED       = TRUE
                        ILA_DEBUG       = FALSE
                        SIMULATOR       = xsim
                        USE_PRFLOW      = FALSE
[PREPARE PROJECT.....] start 16:05:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[PREPARE PROJECT.....] done  16:05:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[SNAP PREPROCESS.....] start 16:05:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        configuring snap_core_types.vhd
[SNAP PREPROCESS.....] done  16:05:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CREATE PROJECT......] start 16:05:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        using Vivado v2017.4.1 (64-bit)
[CREATE_FRAMEWORK....] start 16:05:40 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        setting up project settings
                        importing design files
                        importing IPs
                        adding NVMe block design
                        adding NVMe Verilog simulation files
                        importing PSL design checkpoint
                        importing XDCs
[CREATE_FRAMEWORK....] done  16:06:17 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CREATE PROJECT......] done  16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[HW PROJECT..........] done  16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE PSLSE ......] start 16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE PSLSE ......] done  16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE SOFTWARE....] start 16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE SOFTWARE....] done  16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE APPLICATION.] start 16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE APPLICATION.] done  16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
[BUILD xsim MODEL....] start 16:06:18 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        patching SNAP version and build date registers
                        export simulation for version=2017.4.1
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'send_msg_id' failed due to earlier errors.

    while executing
"send_msg_id exportsim-Tcl-010 ERROR "failed to delete file ($file_path): $error_msg\n""
    ("foreach" body line 8)
    invoked from within
"foreach file_path $files {
      if { {srcs} == [file tail $file_path] } { continue }
      if { {modelsim.ini} == [file tail $file_path] } { continue..."
    (procedure "xps_check_script" line 19)
    invoked from within
"xps_check_script $dir $filename"
    (procedure "xps_write_script" line 10)
    invoked from within
"xps_write_script $simulator $dir $filename"
    ("foreach" body line 35)
    invoked from within
"foreach simulator $l_target_simulator {
    # initialize and fetch compiled libraries for precompile flow
    set l_compiled_libraries [xps_get_compil..."
    (procedure "xps_write_sim_script" line 14)
    invoked from within
"xps_write_sim_script $run_dir $data_files $filename"
    (procedure "xps_xport_simulation" line 31)
    invoked from within
"xps_xport_simulation $objs"
    (procedure "::tclapp::xilinx::projutils::export_simulation" line 140)
    invoked from within
"::tclapp::xilinx::projutils::export_simulation -force -directory /afs/bb/u/haver/framework/snap/hardware/sim -simulator xsim -ip_user_files_dir /afs/b..."
    invoked from within
"export_simulation -force -directory "$root_dir/sim" -simulator xsim -ip_user_files_dir "$root_dir/viv_project/framework.ip_user_files" -ipstatic_sourc..."
    (file "/afs/bb/u/haver/framework/snap/hardware/setup/export_xsim.tcl" line 26)
make[2]: *** [xsim] Error 1
make[1]: *** [model] Error 2
make: *** [model] Error 1
bash-4.1$ make model
[HW PROJECT..........] start 16:07:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CONFIG ACTION HW....] start 16:07:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CONFIG ACTION HW....] done  16:07:27 Fri Jul 06 2018
== SNAP ENVIRONMENT SETUP                            ==
Path to vivado          is set to: /afs/bb/proj/fpga/xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/vivado
Vivado version          is set to: Vivado v2017.4.1 (64-bit)
=====Checking path to PSL design checkpoint============
PSL_DCP                 is set to: "/afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp"
=====Simulation setup: Setting up PSLSE version==========
Setting PSLVER                 to: "8"
=====Simulation setup: Checking path to PSLSE==========
PSLSE_ROOT              is set to: "/afs/bb/u/haver/framework/pslse"
=====ACTION ROOT setup=================================
Setting ACTION_ROOT            to: "${SNAP_ROOT}/actions/hdl_example"
=====Timing limit for FPGA image build in ps============
TIMING_LABLIMIT         is set to: "-200"

=====Content of
export ACTION_ROOT=${SNAP_ROOT}/actions/hdl_example
export PSLVER=8
export SNAP_ROOT=${HOME}/framework/snap
export PSL_DCP=/afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp
export PSLSE_ROOT=${HOME}/framework/pslse
export TIMING_LABLIMIT="-200"

                        hardware/Makefile called with:
                        ACTION_ROOT     = /afs/bb/u/haver/framework/snap/actions/hdl_example
                        PSL_DCP         = /afs/bb/proj/fpga/framework/cards/N250S/current/b_route_design.dcp
                        FPGACARD        = N250S
                        FPGACHIP        = xcku060-ffva1156-2-e
                        NUM_OF_ACTIONS  = 1
                        HLS_SUPPORT     = FALSE
                        BRAM_USED       = TRUE
                        SDRAM_USED      = FALSE
                        NVME_USED       = TRUE
                        ILA_DEBUG       = FALSE
                        SIMULATOR       = xsim
                        USE_PRFLOW      = FALSE
[PREPARE PROJECT.....] start 16:07:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[PREPARE PROJECT.....] done  16:07:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[SNAP PREPROCESS.....] start 16:07:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        configuring snap_core_types.vhd
[SNAP PREPROCESS.....] done  16:07:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CREATE PROJECT......] start 16:07:28 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        using Vivado v2017.4.1 (64-bit)
[CREATE_FRAMEWORK....] start 16:07:40 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        setting up project settings
                        importing design files
                        importing IPs
                        adding NVMe block design
                        adding NVMe Verilog simulation files
                        importing PSL design checkpoint
                        importing XDCs
[CREATE_FRAMEWORK....] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[CREATE PROJECT......] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[HW PROJECT..........] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE PSLSE ......] start 16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE PSLSE ......] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE SOFTWARE....] start 16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE SOFTWARE....] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE APPLICATION.] start 16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[COMPILE APPLICATION.] done  16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
[BUILD xsim MODEL....] start 16:08:20 Fri Jul 06 2018
                        patching SNAP version and build date registers
                        export simulation for version=2017.4.1
                        build a xsim model
[BUILD xsim MODEL....] done  16:09:45 Fri Jul 06 2018

I changed nothing.

I tried to reproduce the failure, but without success. It is hard to debug it without log files! Please reopen the issue, if you see the problem again.

I also was not able to reproduce the problem. (I built a model, then modified hardware/sim/nvme_lite/ and rebuilt successfully)
@fhaverkamp Maybe your problem was caused by a previous simulation run that was not closed correctly/completely, which lead to problems with deletion of files?

Actually, I was able to reproduce the problem by starting a simulation and terminating it pressing CTRL-C. After that the next model build (w/o performing a make clean) failed.