
Vivado 2018.2: NVMe module synthesis fails

Closed this issue · 3 comments

rs22 commented

When I try to build an image for the hls_nvme_memcopy action using Vivado 2018.2, the synthesis step fails. This is an excerpt from the logs:

INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'nvme_top_util_buf_gte_1_0' (516#1) [~/snap/hardware/ip/nvme/nvme.srcs/sources_1/bd/nvme_top/ip/nvme_top_util_buf_gte_1_0/synth/nvme_top_util_buf_gte_1_0.vhd:65]
ERROR: [Synth 8-549] port width mismatch for port 'DDR_M_AXI_araddr': port width = 34, actual width = 32 [~/snap/hardware/hdl/core/psl_accel.vhd:687]
ERROR: [Synth 8-549] port width mismatch for port 'DDR_M_AXI_awaddr': port width = 34, actual width = 32 [~/snap/hardware/hdl/core/psl_accel.vhd:699]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'psl_accel' [~/snap/hardware/hdl/core/psl_accel.vhd:203]
ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'psl_fpga' [~/snap/hardware/hdl/core/psl_fpga.vhd:145]

I'm using this SNAP version:

$ git describe

With Vivado 2018.1 we do not run into this problem (here the DDR_M_AXI_araddr and DDR_M_AXI_awaddr port widths of the nvme bd match the port widths of the wrapper - all 32 bits) . We did not yet install Vivado 2018.2. This is one of our next work items. Will then look into why the widths do no longer match when using that Vivado version.

The current master contains a circumvention for this.
@rs22 Please verify and close this issue.

rs22 commented

Thanks, it also works for me!